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Capcom Wants to Gather Gamer’s Opinions on a Remake for Resident Evil 2


It seems like Capcom is trying to gauge interest and opinions on a potential remake of Resident Evil 2.  Coming from the official Resident Evil Facebook page:

Hello Resident Evil fans!
This is Capcom R&D Division 1!

First off, we would like to express our deepest appreciation to all Resident Evil fans, for your passion, enthusiasm and continued support for the Resident Evil brand.

Enthusiasm for a Resident Evil 2 Remake is something we’ve been hearing from you over the years, and has drawn some recent attention in the media.

However, as the team owns the RE brand, we’re not certain how we feel about this approach, and would like to ask your honest and frank opinion about the “Resident Evil 2 Remake” and what the brand identity is supposed to be about?

Via: Facebook

Author: Francis@PE (19398 Posts)

  • Shannon Cork

    Instead of making a remake of RE2, how about making a Resident Evil 7 or sequel of another Capcom title

  • Guymelef

    Ok, I guess we’ll have to brace ourselves for Remakes of Resident Evil from 1-6 now… Not to mention remakes of other spin-offs.

  • Wanderlei

    Capcom and SE remaking their glory days games because they cant rise to the same heights anymore.

  • alex9234

    Nah. It doesn’t need to be remade. I have the N64 version and the game has held up reasonably well, so yeah. No remake.

  • GaiunxWolfenX

    i would love to play a new Resi game like this or Code Veronica on my WiiU, but as that is not gonna happen for a while (maybe never T.T) this could be cool since this game didn’t get an AWESOME remake on the gamecube just a port, but then again i would love to play that on my WiiU but i guess Capcom is not putting it on the WiiU so… No Comments from me if they wanna do it let them, maybe they’ll notice what is what made those game Tick so perfectly

  • Kidking17

    Remake resident evil 2 and 3

  • ednice

    There are like 3 different teams working on fan remakes.

  • Mythosa

    OMG! No more remakes please! Make a new game in the style of RE2 if that’s how it needs to be to get back to roots.
    Gen 8, just like Gen 5, only prettier!

    • Kidking17

      I would personally like if Re2 got remade, but I do agree with you that if they want to get back to their roots they should make a New game in the same style as 2. Either one works for me, although I would prefer a Nee game as you say

      • Mythosa

        I enjoy RE2 as much as the next person, maybe more. But there is nothing wrong with playing the original version.
        Like I said,I really enjoy the game all the more reason they expand upon that and make something new. If it gets remade it likely won’t live up to the original because it is so beloved, just like I think FFVII will be like. Make a continuation, side story, alternate story,I don’t really care but the same thing over and over won’t make it any better even with improved graphics.
        Was Robocop better after the remake? How about total recall? Lol. Same shirt of idea I think anyway.
        I know you already agreed with me, this isn’t an argument,I just felt the need to emphasize my position lol.