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Most Overrated and Overhyped Games of the Year - PENetwork#6

GTA 5 poster

The PE Network goes over their most overrated and overhyped games of the year.

Source: PE Nintendo

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Author: Francis@PE (20588 Posts)

  • Game_God

    I already have the most overhyped game of 2015: The Order: 1886 by a large margin!!!

    • edniceU

      And why's that?Everyone who played it is already saying it's just going to be a good game(or movie).

      • Mythosa

        Really? I have heard the opposite. So linear it's almost on rails and the mechanics so far have been a bit lack lustre.

        • edniceU

          We probably visit different sites.

    • Gamingfan

      Uncharted 4 is getting more hype than that.

      • Mythosa

        Seriously? 1886 has been being hyped since the PS4 launched. It's always one of their big showings at every game show and it's in almost every PS4 commercial about the games for the system. At least the ones that actually show game line ups, which most don't lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8KNToTy8SE
        Uncharted has hardly been shown yet.

        • Gamingfan

          It hasn't been hyped up that much. People were criticizing it for a while.

          • Mythosa

            Criticism is a separate thing from hype. It has been hyped, it's easy to look it up, and it's going to ramp up even more closer to release.

          • Gamingfan

            It was hyped when it was first revealed. Since gameplay was shown it toned down.

          • titangamecube

            In response to the comment since the comment is getting squished. above: It doesn't matter, biased ( Insert company name, sports team, etc. here) fan = fanboy. The reason why we got on your ass because you didn't explain your opinion and had made bold assumptions in the past with no facts and it took how many fucking comments when you should have done that from the get go? Okay, the game doesn't excite you, thats fine. We'll accept that, but I don't think its overhyped. But heres the thing, you don't have call people childish, or they have mental problems, or fanboys just to have an opinion. Terminatorjuice did exactly that when he said he didn't care much about Shovel Knight but he did in a way that is respectful.Try that sometime so you can be taken seriously.

          • Gamingfan

            Going by your logic you have to explain why you don't like a game otherwise you're considered a troll. It's a pretty bad mentality dude. Just learn to accept opinions. If I don't like a certain food I shouldn't have to tell you why I don't like it. Imagine if every person asked you why you didn't like something.

          • titangamecube

            "Going by your logic you have to explain why you don't like a game otherwise you're considered a troll" Actually, yes you have to. If I were to go to a Sony forum and say that last of us is an overrated game and I didn't explain anything, I would be written off as a troll (and yes I do think that game is overrated because its just a typical zombie game, only without the fun of one). I can accept an opinion if you can explain it. People here criticized me for not liking Paper Mario Thousand Year Door because I thought it was retread of the first game only take problems of the first game and magnify ten fold. That example you gave is a poor example because what if its the restaurants way of cooking it? The Pizza at one restaurant tastes bad but the other restaurants pizza is fucking glorious but my friend might think otherwise and we can have a discussion. But now were just getting off topic here. Explain why you don't like something next time and we wont have 80+ plus comments of you insulting people.

          • Gamingfan

            "Actually, yes you have to. If I were to go to a Sony forum and say that last of us is an overrated game and I didn't explain anything, I would be written off as a troll"

            The difference between this and that is this article isn't just about Nintendo. If I went to a Nintendo article and said Smash Bros is overrated and didn't explain myself then yes it's trolling.

          • titangamecube

            But you didn't explain at all until 80 comments in and would refuse to do it and that is trolling. All you had to do was explain why you thought Smash was overhyped and thats it.

          • Gamingfan

            I didn't have to. You just wanted me to. It doesn't mean I was trolling.

          • titangamecube

            But you can be considered one if you didn't explain at all. Because an opinion can have much more weight with an explanation rather then such a simple statement.

          • Gamingfan

            I'm moving on from this article. You can believe what you want.

          • titangamecube

            Thats fine.

          • LovU

            LMAO . . you are stuck in the mud, due to FAILURE to prove yourself using FACTS . your opinions are weak . .

            Smash bros for example, is EASY to play, easy button presses pull off fancy moves . SMAsh bros is easy to play . hahaa so you sound confused when you say that smassh bros is no good, yet you dont even PROVE yourself using facts or examples lol . . . prove yourself or GTFO lol

          • Gamingfan

            Oh look another nintendrone. I can troll as well. I don't have to prove myself with my opinion.

          • LovU

            exactly . there is no way you can prove yourself with an opinion, sounding all confused and butthurt at nintendo for dominating gaming ): . .
            put away your opinions and bring the FACTS, or GTFO lol simple as that . .

            or whats wrong, you cant prove yourself ? then sound butthurt and confused lmao . .


    For me it was Destiny and Watchdogs very disappointed.

  • Grey1399

    Definitely WatchDogs and Destiny. But on the other side the most underhyped games were probably Donkey Kong and Shadow of Mordor.

    • Gamingfan

      Alien: Isolation is pretty underrated. It's my GOTY.

      • Mythosa

        I missed out on it. I don't have my gaming PC anymore. Seens some decent gameplay of it though. I

    • Mythosa

      Really? Shadows of Mordor not overhyped? I was seeing commercials all over the place for that, and it usually had a front page offering on almost every large gaming site. Although, for many I guess it has lived up to the hype for the most part, but I actually think it's more so because of the lack of other really good offerings throughout the year.

  • Gamingfan

    For me it was Super Smash Bros on Wii U.

    • http://thenintendovault.wordpress.com/ Your Usual Sparkie

      Yeah, looks like party fighting games like Smash Bros just aren't your thing. Too bad, maybe someday the game will do for you what it did for all of us.

      But hey, fair opinion.

    • GreenMissile4

      Sparkie is being way too nice and Francis continues to have mercy on your moronic a**.

      Overhyped: Meaning the finished product, in actuality, did not reach the level of greatness that was advertised. (See: Watch_Dogs, Destiny) Smash actually delivered everything it advertised.

      Overrated: Meaning the general public would instinctively say the game isn't very good yet, reviews and other widespread info sources say otherwise. It is the most overused and most incorrectly used word in media. Smash is currently being enjoyed by millions and millions.

      You not liking it does not make it overrated, it means you have an opinion and YOU don't like it.

      • Gamingfan

        You have mental problems. It's an opinion, get over it.

        Me saying Super Smash Bros on Wii U is overhyped and overrated is an opinion and I'm entitled to it.

        • B2DKING

          Completely agree with you on your statement of your own opinion. Some people over here get offended when you have a productive our a un disrespectful opinion. People need to relax if he thinks is overhype you don't have to agree ….again is call a Opinion.

          • Mythosa

            I can agree to his idea of it being overrated, that's entirely in the eye of the beholder. Although, for it to be overhyped it would have to mean that there was a massive amount of hype for the game. There was hype without doubt, but not like many of the other games this last year. Most sites weren't hyping it nor where they even publicizing it, with the exception of a few Nintendo-centric sites.

        • titangamecube

          And yet, you continue to be disrespectful despite it. Terminator juice just did a perfect example of how to have a dissenting opinion while respectful in the video. Saying someone has mental problems invalidates any form of discussion.

          • Gamingfan

            He's trying to start arguments all the time. He was being an arrogant dickhead.

          • titangamecube

            .__. And you called him an arrogant dickhead. Again, you don't need to insult others.

          • Gamingfan

            Well he's being one and he broke the rules. There was nothing wrong with my original comment and that's a fact.

          • titangamecube

            You broke the rules by telling him he has mental problems and an arrogant dickhead. I mean you can explain your opinion as to why but instead you choose to insult. Be the bigger man and explain your opinion.

          • Gamingfan

            I don't need to explain my opinion. Normal people just accept it and move on.

          • titangamecube

            Actually, you do. By not doing it, you come off as a troll.

          • Gamingfan

            Do you think I care on what other people think? Unless you can prove I'm trolling there's no credibility in that statement.

          • titangamecube

            Ahem, "So Miyamoto wants multiplats even though he said he's against the business strategy of having games that are on other consoles. Please tell me how I was trolling." With Statements like that, its hard to take you seriously.

          • Gamingfan

            What did you get out of that statement?

          • titangamecube

            You were trolling.

          • Gamingfan

            That's what you got out of it? Miyamoto was contradicting himself. Oh that's right Nintendo is perfect.

          • titangamecube

            You made a bold statement, had no evidence, and insulted others. That breaks the rule of attempting to troll. See if you actually explained anything or had evidence, then I would take you seriously.

          • Gamingfan

            There was a source at the time. I'm not going too look it up now. You're going off topic and you stalked my account. You broke the rules.

          • titangamecube

            If you are not going to look it up, then I'll consider you a troll. And now, you're making assumptions again. Even though I looked at my own account to the response I made to you about that statement. The only reason why we're going off topic is because you keep dragging it out and not explaining your position. If I broke a rule, you broke at least 2. So quit being a hypocrite.

          • Gamingfan

            You can consider me a troll. I don't give a shit what you think.

          • titangamecube

            Thats fine. Just remember to defend your opinion. If you don't, expect to be challenged.

          • Gamingfan

            Don't need to defend my opinion. You either agree with it or you don't. Quite simple really.

          • titangamecube

            ._. Okay then. Idk how you can get through life but whatever.

          • Gamingfan

            Yes because explaining my opinion to strangers on the internet about video games is one of the many goals in my life. Said no one ever.

          • titangamecube

            Funny since you seem to gt butt hurt when someone calls you maybe you should care because then you can be taken seriously, regardless of your own opinion. If you can't even do that on the internet, how in the hell can you even get through life at all. But whatever, continue to be salty because I called you out again.

          • Gamingfan

            Yer man, I get so butthurt when biased Nintendo fans call me out because anyone with common sense knows that's exactly what you all are.

          • titangamecube

            And were back to square fucking one with you. Congratulations, all credibility you might have had is officially gone. Look, if you can't even explain your own opinion as to why you think Smash is overrated and instead call us fanboys and tell people they have mental problems, then you deserved to get banned honestly.

          • Gamingfan

            I didn't call you a fanboy. I said you were biased and you are.

          • titangamecube

            biased Nintendo fan? Then what is a biased Sony fan? Xbox? It means fanboy no matter how much you slice. And goddamn the comments are getting squished again.

          • Gamingfan

            Fanboy is a term used to insult people. Calling people biased isn't really an insult. Why is it that Mythosa can act like a grown adult and accept opinions but some of you can't? When I say Smash is overrated I mean that I don't think it's as good as everyone says it is. I think it's overhyped because it doesn't come close to games like Zelda, Xenoblade, Starfox etc imo. When I see gameplay of Smash I always think meh and I don't get excited. When I don't care about something and it's getting hyped up to no end that's when I think it's overhyped. It's an opinion.

          • Gamingfan

            This conversation is over. I don't want another temp ban for this stupidity.

          • titangamecube

            And now you're calling me stupid. Come back when you can actually explain an opinion, rather than insult.

          • Gamingfan

            Don't need to explain my opinion dude. Who do you think you are?

          • titangamecube

            You do need to explain your opinion.

          • Gamingfan

            Well I'm not going to so continue crying lol.

          • titangamecube

            And you just keep insulting me. Thats fine. Continue to do that. Just keep on getting yourself banned.

          • Gamingfan

            I didn't insult you. I said keep crying.

          • titangamecube

            …Thats insulting someone or hell, now its considered trolling.

          • Gamingfan

            I know you're trying to get me banned and it's quite sad.

          • titangamecube

            First off, no, Im trying to make sure you don't get banned again. Second, you might get banned because you keep insulting. Keep doing it, and you will.

          • Dark Shidara

            Allow me to suggest a couple of things

            1. Just drop it bro it's getting out of hand. (even if it's not your fault)

            2. Think before you direct yourself to others you tend to come of a little too strong and start calling them names.

            3. Have a Great and Happy New Year!

        • Francis@PE

          Smash Bros. isn't overrated or overhyped. You just don't like it.

          GTA is overrated because it does not control as well as other shooting games, the driving controls are not as good as driving games, and the cover system isn't as good as games like Gears of War or Mass Effect.

          Smash Bros. controls just fine, the gameplay is at 60fps and there are a huge cast of characters

          • Mythosa

            I don't agree with his opinion on it Francis, but if he doesn't like the game, it's entirely within his rights to form an opinion thinking it's over-rated, but that's his personal opinion on it, nothing more. They hype thing… Well, there wasn't that much hype over the game so that just seems like it's reaching and/or trolling.

          • titangamecube

            I wouldn't have much of a problem if he didn't insult people or you know, explain his opinions.

          • Gamingfan

            I wasn't the one that started insulting.

          • titangamecube

            Doesn't matter who started it. You don't respond to people in an insulting matter.

          • Guidosaur

            I love the game, but I'm pretty sure thinking a game being overrated/overhyped is entirely in the eyes of the beholder. I just beat Half Life for the first time on PC and really didn't enjoy it (please, nobody kill me) even though I know it's one of the most popular games of all time. I would think it is "overrated" because I don't see the pull of the game even though a lot of people do. They're unpopular opinions, but they're just that; opinions.

          • Mythosa

            Actually, it's the second one that is generally known as an amazing game. The first is also known as a good game but it kinda broke the mold for fps games, but the second blew it open again. I thought the first was good but not great.
            I agree with you entirely.

          • Gamingfan

            and that's your opinion. I don't think the gameplay mechanics are good at all in Smash Bros.

            I think the driving and and cover system is good in GTA V. The cover system isn't as good as Gears of War? I disagree. I haven't played Mass Effect so I can't judge.

            In the end it's all opinions.

          • Francis@PE

            No offense Gamingfan, but you admitted that you aren't even good in Smash Bros. I doubt you even know the mechanics of the game.

            The controls are responsive in Smash Bros. It moves in 60 fps, and when you press a button, its responds smoothly.

            You can't sit here and tell me that GTA's driving mechanics are better than other driving games like Forza that move in 1080p 60fps and are built for driving.

            Gears of War has a far advance cover system that gives more options for moving in cover, getting in and out of cover, hoping over cover, dodge rolling to the side. And it has been noted that there are hitches in GTA's frame-rate and cover system. That has been noted in various reviews and I've experienced it myself

            You're entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't mean you know what you're talking about.

            PLEASE explain to me how Smash Bros mechanics are not good and how GTA has a better cover system than Gears of War?

          • Gamingfan

            The gameplay mechanics are the reason I'm average in Smash Bros. I play well in other fighting games like Mortal Kombat. I'm not used to the mechanics and I just don't like them.

            I've only played the first Gears of War on Xbox 360 and that was years ago. What's so special about it? You just cover and shoot like Uncharted. I never said the cover system was better in GTA V. I just disagreed when you said it was worse.

          • Francis@PE

            No, you're not good in Smash Bros because you don't practice. Its not the game, its you. And you still didn't explain to me the mechanics of Smash Bros, and I doubt you are even good in Mortal Kombat…. and if you are, please prove it with some online gameplay. Or I can set up a battle between you and one of friends who is good at the game.

            I already explained how Gears of War's cover system is better than than GTA's and the options it gives you. All you did was beat around the bush.

            So once again. Please explain to me how Smash Bros mechancis are bad from a gameplay perspective?

          • Gamingfan

            I'll play you in Mortal Kombat X if you get a PS4 and prepare to get your ass kicked. 😉

            My PS3 isn't hooked up anymore so I won't be playing any game online with it.

          • Mythosa

            You could just hook it up. It's simple. Place it near your TV, plug in the HDMI cable, and plug it in to the power outlet. It was likely already hooked up to your network so you shouldn't even have to do anything with that. Good to go.

          • Gamingfan

            I don't want to play the PS3 when I have a PS4.

          • Gamingfan

            Or I could disconnect the Wii U and connect the PS3 back up. I'll put the Wii U in the cupboard. 😉

          • Mythosa

            Do whatever you want dude, but to say you can't play a game because your system isn't hooked up is just mental because it's such an easy fix. Personally I have a spot for all my consoles on my TV stand but when I play some I have to disconnect others, doesn't mean I can't play them.

          • FrancisPE2

            I'm not claiming to be good in Mortal Kombat, but I'll gladly kick your ass in Smash Bros.

            Hook your PS3 up dude, are you afraid to lose. I can already tell you aren't good, you just like to talk a lot.

            And you STILL haven't explained to me the mechanics of Smash Bros, then proceeded to ignore the rest of what I said to you.

            Mortal Kombat X ISN'T EVEN OUT YET, LOL….. You say you're good in MK then go RUNNING when you get challenged. I can already tell you're a scrub in MK.

          • Gamingfan

            It's hard to run when I've been challenged and I don't have Mortal Kombat on the PS3. I played Mortal Kombat back in the day but I haven't played it in years and I wasn't mediocre at it. At least I'm honest.

          • Gamingfan

            Don't you have to be on my friends list to play me in Smash Bros?

          • FrancisPE2

            You want to play Smash Bros?

            add me: Furious-Francis

            ……….so you're basing wheather you're good or not in MK on old games you haven't played in years…..

            Gamingfan, I'm not trying to be mean, but the chances of you ACTUALLY being good in the old MK games is slim to none. It sounds like you didn't play in any real tournaments or anything….. just against the CPU and your friends, I doubt you were good without the use of online play.

          • Mythosa

            Well…. no. I mean if the controls are terrible, to the level that they are bad is an opinion, same goes for very good controls or even in the middle, but precision controls aren't up for debate, they are what they are, same goes for sloppy controls. Often that is what can make a great game or a crappy game.
            Nearly every review of, well, every GTA game really after 2, the controls haven't been great and that's a widely accepted fact. The same, but opposite is true for Smash Bros, it is always one of the highly praised features of the games. They are crisp, not wallowy or sluggish, and precise.
            These might come as opinions at first, but when it is tested and proven then it no longer is an opinion, it is a fact.
            I can understand you not liking the game, that is entirely fine. He'll I don't even need to hear a reason like many others seem to, but when it is a factually wrong reason, then it becomes a fallacy and without credibility and brings in the question if you have even played Smash for Wii U, or any others.

          • Gamingfan

            I don't like the way it plays. That doesn't mean the gameplay is bad. I just don't like it.

            There's one major problem with Smash Bros and that's the online lag. It's not in every match for me but when it is it's unplayable.

          • Mythosa

            That's fine. There is nothing saying you have to like it lol, but to say the controls are band is just ill-informed.
            Yeah, there are a bunch of people playing online with bad connections. It's all P2P so if you play against another player with a bad connection then it's not going to be a great experience. But the way it's set up you will still be able to play the game 15 years from now as opposed to relying on a server. Pros and cons I guess.

    • Yosiempreenti

      how smash bros wiiu, I did not even see any advert for this game unlike GTAV, and other third party games, Smash bros u is amazing, and very underrated compared to how many copies GTAV, and other third party games sold, but still is a jewel

  • abCDinc88

    Most overhyped game of the year is usually the title I felt like was shoved down my throat the most and this year it was Destiny (although NOTHING beats the level of "throat shoving" that The Last of Us got since the throat shoving continued a full year after the game was released) and for most overrated, this one's tough since many AAA games finally got "called out" for being crap but I would say (due to the way it launched) Master Chief Collection.

    Don't care if it's a remake or remaster, reviews need to call out developers and score them low if they release a game in a broken state yet the reviews of MCC don't reflect that.

  • Mario_U

    Most remasters really shouldn't be considered GOTY material unless they contain significant differences not just visually, especially games that were just released a year ago like GTAV or The Last of Us. I find it absurd that some publications would give a best of award to a remaster of a game that they probably gave a best of award to the year prior.

  • JaxonH

    I actually barely saw any hype for AC Unity tbh. In fact, they were almost secretive about the game up until release (and now we all know why). But I found it strange that there was actually so little hype for that game. Which should've been the first tell that something was going on.

    I would have to agree with GTAV though. Don't get me wrong I think it's actually a great game. I just don't think it's "GotY, best game of the generation, highest scoring ever on Metacritic" worthy. If people just treated it as a fine release (which it is), I'd be totally okay with that. Like I said, it's a good game and I bought it on PS4. But there is a large divide between good games and the best ever made- and GTAV is a good game (heck, it's a great game) but it's masquerading as the greatest that ever was.