Horror Genre is Becoming Mainstream in Gaming, says Sony’s Joe Palmer
With big selling titles such as The Evil Within and Five Nights at Freddy’s, Sony’s Joe Palmer feels there is room to expand the horror genre in the mainstream of gaming.
“The horror genre is huge in the wider entertainment industry,” Palmer told MCVUK. “People want to be scared and games always carry the potential to be scarier than movies or novels due to their interactive nature. Hopefully what we’re seeing is a shift towards mainstream gaming appreciation for the genre.”
“The recent success of titles like The Evil Within is encouraging and proves that there’s a healthy appetite for horror games,” he added. “This gives companies more confidence to give horror games the attention they deserve.
“PlayStation has a rich heritage of debuting and nurturing new IP and genres. Horror is very well represented with Resident Evil, Silent Hill and our own Siren. Until Dawn represents a twist in a genre for which PlayStation fans have proven their demand.”
Via: VGChartz