Knack and Folklore Developer has a PS4 game in the Works


Knack developer Sony Japan Studios, is currently working on a brand new PS4 game. Lead game developer Kazunobu Sato confirmed this to 4Gamer in an interview. 

“The PS4 will finally be released in Japan in 2014. Since Japanese fans didn’t have much time to touch one, I’d like to tell them that the DualShock 4 is wonderfully nice to hold! And I know, because I am myself involved in the production of a PS4 title.”

Via GE, source 

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65 Responses to Knack and Folklore Developer has a PS4 game in the Works

  1. DJK1NG says:

    Too bad the game won't be good either since Knack is bland and so was Folklore.

    • Nintendo Power says:

      You're joking right? Japan is Nintendo Territory, dominated fully and it's not changing any time soon. Maybe your comment should be ''Ps4 is being accepted by Japan'' lol.

      • King Slime says:

        We shall see Nintendo Power…we shall see.

        • Anti says:

          That's always expected for people who wants to preorder these units, including those in Japan. The monthly sales after the initial preorders are the most important factor to know how the consoles actually progress, not the very first launch sales. Don't forget people thought the PS Vita TV was going to sell well during the first week of 45K sales, but it dropped instantly after the initial preorder sales were done.

          Furthermore the article doesn't even point out how much stock Amazon Japan even had initially, so the "sell out" could be very low numbers or very high numbers, since Sony's focusing their attention on selling their consoles outside of Japan, it's most likely very low stock numbers available on Amazon Japan for the launch sales.

          As I have said before people who preorder consoles for day one purchases are always the most dedicated brand fan base, people who are purchasing it as gifts, people who are planning on selling it for a higher price online, or people who buy into hype marketing. Never judge anything from preorders, that's where you can lead yourself to a lot of mistakes if you're buying shares for a company.

      • Nintendo Power says:

        Ooooweee! Someone is hatin' tough on me boy lol. Let me know how that haterade tastes.

    • Furious Francis says:

      King Slime, this article doesn't say anything about the PS4 conquering Japan.

      • King Slime says:

        No it does not. However, I have spoken to two Japanese people that said they are excited about PS4. If that isn’t good evidence, I don’t know what is. LOL

        • Anti says:

          There were people excited about the Ouya also, does that mean it's going to conquer the gaming field? :/ Seriously, please don't do this to yourself, this unnecessary unproven hype will just alienate yourself. Most of the things you've stated in this article are nothing but baseless assumptions, especially with that article from DualShockers.

          Sony has been shifting low stock for the PS4 outside of North America for a while now, and Japan's probably going to be the same since there are barely any Japanese centric games other than PS3 ports for the console. Furthermore they have to spread that initial stock around to various distributors for the console, so the stock numbers are lower for each chain, probably around 20K-30K each, and I'm assuming Sony's probably shifting around 250K to 500K units for launch in Japan, but we won't really know until actual sales numbers are released.

          So I would like to suggest for you to calm yourself down and try waiting to see actual results instead of assumptions.

          • King Slime says:

            You can’t possibly be comparing Ouya to PS4.
            700,000 consoles sold in two days outside North America ain’t peanuts.

            My advice to you is to lighten up a bit; don’t take this stuff too seriously - I don’t. What I am doing is enjoying fantastic games on my Wii U, 3DS XL, and PS4. It is all about the games, so PS4 will sell well in Japan when good Japanese games are released (and as a fan of Japanese games I certainly hope many will be localized and released in the west). I believe the PS4 will ultimately do well in Japan - that’s my opinion - but as I stated previously, we shall see. Time will tell, and neither you nor I really know what the final sales of these 8th gen consoles will be.

          • Anti says:

            I'm not comparing, I'm pointing out the fallacy in your statement. Regardless if it's Ouya or PS4, it doesn't matter, your statement was clearly nothing but a biased statement because you claim you know "two Japanese people" you've spoken to. The two doesn't represent the entire society, some people were just as excited about the Ouya as well, which is why their Kickstarter was successful.

            If you claim you don't take these things seriously, then don't make baseless statements and unproven articles that gets the community riled up. It's pointless, it makes the community look bad, and furthermore it makes you look bad. This site doesn't need more BS like that, most people here already had enough of that junk on other mainstream gaming sites, and your baseless contributions just encourages others to put that junk here as well.

          • King Slime says:

            As I stated below, I find it astonishing that you read that post and actually thought I was being serious. Thus, the beloved LOL.

            That a post such as mine 'riles up' anyone is really testament to the biased Nintendo Fanboyism exhibited here by certain members of the community, isn't it? You really must admit, similar posts slagging other consoles rarely 'riles up' anyone. Speaking of 'baseless contributions' that might make one 'look bad', the biased armchair philosophy you consistently spew in these comment sections really doesn't help the cause, does it? Really now Anti, when is the last time you stepped up to the plate to defend a comment made by anyone who has anything positive to say about a company other than Nintendo?

          • Anti says:

            Okay, you're clearly denying reality about how your comments affect any community because you already have a prejudice against everyone here. I've criticized Nintendo numerous times myself, does that mean I'm a Nintendo fanboy to you as well? Now you're claiming I'm spewing 'biased armchair philosophy", despite the fact I'm pointing out specifically that YOU are posting completely unproven articles, and YOU are posting ridiculously biased statements. If someone was doing that for Nintendo's articles with nothing but hearsay, I would've pointed that out just the same. The fact that you called me out on this pretty much proves that you already believe that I only targeted you, despite the fact you already well know that you've been posting nothing but complete BS, and most likely attempting to troll the community here, especially with the numerous baseless claims you've made in the past here in other articles.

            I was polite earlier, but now it's pretty clear you don't want to be mature, and you intended to troll the community in general. I think it's best for you to leave if you think you're not wrong for posting misleading statements, especially since it's clear you are unable to make informed and any factual statements.

        • titangamecube says:

          Not only is your evidence anecdotal, its a fallacy. There's Japanese people all over the world, so how can we say they live in Japan? Thats the anecdotal part. The fallacy comes in when you assume two Japanese people are excited means the whole country, or at least the gaming sector there, are excited for it. You can't assume something small means something big.

          • King Slime says:

            It’s astonishing to me that you actually thought I was being serious.

          • markwang125 says:

            It's astonishing that you expect everyone to understand. Look, I know that a majority of the users on this site are Nintendo supporters, but don't expect everyone to look at that post and have a hardy laugh.

          • Amigaengine says:

            they should lighten up in life then.

          • titangamecube says:

            So I should lighten up because he wanted to make BS statements? He has a right to his opinion but he cannot pass off his opinion as fact. If someone were to make some BS statements about Nintendo's advertising in the beginning being the greatest thing in the world, I would call them out hard on it. If he was joking, /sarcasm would have been hands off and this would have never happened. But no, he decides to troll further. Regardless if he is a Nintendo fan or not, you don't make baseless claims about any company, whether its bad or good.

          • markwang125 says:

            That's a little unrealistic.

          • King Slime says:

            Dear Anti,

            I see that you can’t resist giving me attention. I know that it is impossible for you to do otherwise, but you really should not be such a pretentious, misinformed jerk to fellow community members. It is just not what good respectable people do. That another individual might have an opinion that differs from your own does not make them a troll. Who is trolling who? You ignore any points I make in my own defense (it’s clear that you’re not even reading my lovely, heartfelt reply’s) and say whatever you wish regardless. Of course, your own accusations are completely baseless, as you only focus on the few I’ve made that you personally don’t like. In fact, had you been paying attention, you would have seen many positive posts in support of Nintendo, Wii U, 3DS, and many games for those systems. Hardly the “troll” you accuse me of being.

            With love,

            King Slime

          • titangamecube says:

            And Amiga, please, don't even get yourself involved.

          • Amigaengine says:

            titan, public forum so stuff it :)

          • titangamecube says:

            Oh okay. So you do want to get involved. Well then, the next time you suggest F Zero, Star Fox, or Metroid should be made, I won't take you seriously. And since this a public forum I can deem you a troll. Because that is what you are and you never have been credible since E3. And to use an old expression, possibly unknown, get bent.

          • Amigaengine says:

            Name calling is the best you have ? Yes I would like Starfox,Metroid or F-Zero to be made but I dont need or seek anyone's approval for the games I enjoy.

          • titangamecube says:

            Well telling me to essentially go fuck off, you are a troll. I don't need your approval either because I understand respect and I only give it to people who actually deserve it. Me and Matthew had a disagreement about Other M but I can respect him because he made some valid points. Francis made the argument for Achievements on the Wii U and I said no but he made some valid points. I made an argument as to why I don't think the Steambox will be the magical-cure-of-cancer-console and people disagreed with me but that doesn't mean they are wrong. You on the other hand told me to "stuff" it, thus deeming you a troll in my eyes and have NO respect. I tolerated you until this moment and the cats is out of the bag of who you really are. And to make my argument: Starfox hasn't sold well at all, Metroid is ruined thanks to fan output that was Other M, although I thought it was alright despite the problems, and F zero not only didn't sell well, its popularity is due to Captain Falcon being in Smash Bros., and the obvious point, Mario Kart.

          • Amigaengine says:


            you ok ? need a hug or your meds ?

            Now you have my permission to fuck off

          • titangamecube says:

            Wow, and I thought you were above the insults. I told you not to get involved.

          • Amigaengine says:

            Well I replied to King Slime then you continued to spit uglys at me so guess what ? Not beneath me to act an ass to one ;)

            Again you are welcome to go fuck off

          • titangamecube says:

            Sorry, I don't speak to people who are disrespectful. So please, follow your own advice and fuck off.

          • titangamecube says:

            King Slime, You made no points and you lost all credibility when you made baseless assumptions. Don't try to play the victim card when you want to be the instigator. You can't claim valid points when you made baseless assumptions to begin with. That makes you even less credible than before. And I don't care if you said good things about Nintendo, you don't baseless assumptions and expect people not to respond. Face it, you trolled and we don't tolerate trolling here.

          • Amigaengine says:

            "Face it, you trolled and we don't tolerate trolling here."

            unless it is in Sony or MS threads

          • titangamecube says:

            Oh hey troll. Fancy seeing you here. And seeing how wrong you are, people made actual valid claims about Sony and Microsoft but still would buy a PS4 and possibly a Xbox One.

          • Amigaengine says:

            hello to you shit for brains, hope you enjoy your next purchase !

          • titangamecube says:

            I thought name calling was beneath you? boy was I wrong to expect you to holf that promise.

          • Amigaengine says:

            so I suppose you calling me a Troll is not name calling ? Again nether of my original post was pointed at you but King Slime. He made me laugh simply because you fanboys got all bent over nothing.

            Fuck you and have a great day ;)

          • titangamecube says:

            No because that is what you are. If I would name call, I can be much worse but I won't because I can actually respect this site. And hate to use to this word but, you have been exposed.
            And oh no no, FUCK YOU and Have a great day ;p.

          • Amigaengine says:

            So you instigate the name calling and cursing and I am the bad guy lol.

            Piss off minion

          • titangamecube says:

            You started this man. Im just keep responding until you realize you just made a complete ass of yourself.

          • Amigaengine says:

            keep telling yourself ASS. But hey I enjoy fans

          • titangamecube says:

            Man you are a hypocrite. But I believe its something deeper. Are you butthurt? I have a cure for that:
            Enjoy this video, to calm your jimmies.

          • King Slime says:

            "You made no points"
            In fact, I made very sharp and pointy points that poked you full of pointy holes. I am amazed you are still able to type.

            "Face it, you trolled and we don't tolerate trolling here."
            Whoa John Wayne. Should we have a shoot out at sundown? Such primitive tribalism that I have not seen the likes of in quite some time.

            I suggest you be kinder to Amigaengine. He's one of the most unbiased posters here. This site needs people like Amigaengine around. He keeps the biased fanboys honest.

            Cordially yours,
            King Slime

          • DePapier says:

            Ah-HA!! I knew I was right to be suspicious. TROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O

          • King Slime says:

            Nope. Just a concerned citizen. Being the big Nintendo fan that I am, I honestly have enjoyed reading some of your posts DePapier.

          • titangamecube says:

            You made baseless assumptions with a fallacy. That's not making a point. That's just lying. Then you tried to clear it up and say "I'm not serious", well then that proves your were lying and even less credible. Im amazed that you can't make a good argument. And calling me primitive tells me that you can't make argument without insulting people. And be kinder to someone who told me to go fuck myself? Hell no. And hes not unbiased either. If you want to be taken seriously and be respected King Slim, don't troll and don't make baseless assumptions, regardless if its for or against a company. If you honestly believe the PS4 will do well in Japan, then good, thats your opinion but do not pass off your opinion as a fact by making baseless assumptions.

          • Anti says:

            Let's see here, these are the posts you've provided and the links from this article alone:
            1. PS4 will soon conquer Japan!
            2. We shall see Nintendo Power…we shall see.
            3. No it does not. However, I have spoken to two Japanese people that said they are excited about PS4. If that isn't good evidence, I don't know what is. LOL

            I guess if I said something ridiculous and baseless like these about the Wii U like you did, you wouldn't even consider it as "trolling" as long as I balance it out with positive comments for PS4 or XOne right?

            Oh BTW, all you're doing is proving me right when you're resorting to personal attacks like calling me pretentious and other assorted claims, instead of providing evidence for everything you've claimed. At least I have actual valid evidence to support what I say, meanwhile all you have are hearsay and furthermore you're proving yourself to be even more biased by resorting to this method. All three console brands have their own strengths and weaknesses, and I've pointed them out numerously on this site. What have you done? You've linked articles without actual numbers, and then you made illogical claims. When I pointed out the flaws in your logic with evidence and an unbiased statement, you immediately become defensive and claimed I was spewing 'biased armchair philosophy", and now you're even more defensive by calling me out once again. So in other words, you have absolutely nothing to support any of your claims, you decided to claim it as a "joke", then post publicly post some positive remarks about Nintendo, even more than usual, and then suddenly you use it as your defense by protecting yourself by claiming you're not a "troll".

            Sorry, that's not going to cut it, if you were going to be a mature unbiased contributor to this site, then you should've done that since the beginning, instead you chose this path and now you're attempting to deflect that at me, because you know you're losing in this debate. I was only warning you earlier so you could reconsider and start fresh in this community, but you chose to publicly attack me despite the fact I was trying to be nice by warning you about this behaviour. You can go ahead and call me pretentious as much as you like, but you've already publicly shown your bias and furthermore your immature behaviour instead of taking the mature route. I hope for your sake you will learn from your mistakes, instead of actually attacking others, otherwise you won't work well with others at all, especially when you get an occupation in a professional business environment.

          • King Slime says:


            Nope. I was never serious. You don’t have much of sense of humor, do you? I bet you’re a lot of fun at parties. Remind me never to invite you to one of mine. I have been posting on this site for a good two months now, and again, have posted many positive things about Wii U and 3DS since day one. Sorry you haven’t noticed.

            Hugs and kisses,

            King Slime

          • DylanWins says:

            Can't we all just get along?

      • revolution5268 says:

        It was a click & bait Francis.

    • Steven M. says:

      Not with it's current lineup of games.

  2. Mythosa says:

    Who cares! Bad games. And wow, a developer is developing for the PS4 of course he is going to talk up the PS4 durrrrr.

  3. Steven M. says:

    If it's anything like Knack, I'll pass.

  4. dathip says:

    IF ITS FOLKLORE 2, I WILL BE SO HAPPY! THEN I will get a ps4.

  5. NinTimdo says:

    I wonder if they are gunnin for a 7/10 again

  6. markwang125 says:

    Interesting. Not gonna get ANY of my hopes up since this developer isn't known for the best games by any means.

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