Renegade Kid Discusses Their 3DS First Person Shooters, Hints at a January Nintendo Direct


Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham, has discussed details regarding their 3DS first person shooters. Watsham also hints at a possible January Nintendo Direct. 

We are finalizing a playable demo of our (new?) FPS on 3DS. It’s pretty stellar. Hoping it’ll be part of a press event at the end of Jan. :)

There are 3 aiming options available in our FPS for 3DS: Stylus. Face buttons (ABXY). CPP right Circle Pad. Plus, left-handed configs.

Matt Blankenship @Samus2008

@JoolsWatsham will there be a demo ahead of the full games release?

Jools Watsham @JoolsWatsham Follow

@Samus2008 No, probably not.

Via GoNintendo 

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12 Responses to Renegade Kid Discusses Their 3DS First Person Shooters, Hints at a January Nintendo Direct

  1. NGX159 says:

    I knew one was coming!! Hope the hint is true!

  2. Golden_Owl says:

    Do Directs count as press events? At any rate, its great to see we'll have something to look forward to later this month.

    • titangamecube says:

      Directs do indeed count as them. I mean, how else are people suppose to know? hehe.

      • Mythosa says:

        Actually, a press announcement would mean that it's an announcement that the press (news papers, journalists, derived from printer press) were invited to to spread the word. That's not what this is, it's an announcement direct to consumers, essentially omitting the middle man (the press) so they can't spin it which every way they would like. It's directly controlled by Nintendo to their own fan base.
        So no, it's not a press release/announcement/event.

        • DePapier says:

          I'm quite sure Nintendo makes press releases after the Directs. He's definitely talking about the Direct and doing his best for promotional purpose to get in — like Shin'en did last time xith Jett Rocket II.

  3. Kerbizzle says:

    Maybe a Nintendo Direct will be sometime around when Nintendo releases their sales from this past quarter? That's near the end of January.

  4. King_Sparkticle says:


  5. RicardJulianti says:

    I'm just going to go out on a limb here….and say that he is hoping there is a January Direct just like last year……….and not necessarily hinting at one.

    Sorry to be a buzz kill!

  6. ItsOnlyRon says:

    Has anyone see this yet…? Obviously fake but, I just wanted to share it

  7. -ZaNT- says:

    I'm mostly sure that there will in fact be a Nintendo Direct to end January. Like last year, I hope it's Wii U-centered while, the 3DS will be in mid-Feb, like last year. One can only hope. Bombshells. Bombshells everywhere.

  8. jackiecruise69 says:

    I really hope so.
    I seriously need another direct to tide me over.
    Secretly hoping for more X if there is a direct..

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