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Comparing Exclusive Games on Wii U, PS4 & Xbox One - Andrew Eisen

Wii U PS4 Xbox One

Andrew Eisen breaks down the exclusive games battle between Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. The video is quite detailed and informative despite the somewhat brash title on his video.

Source: Andrew Eisen

Author: Francis@PE (18949 Posts)

  • ActivesiN

    all those great exclusives and still can’t even remotely catch up to xbox and ps4 in sales

    exclusives are great but you need 3rd party games as well, hopefully Nintendo fixes this issue when we get the NX

    • Blake Wigert

      3rd parties are the issue, not Nintendo

      • ActivesiN

        it is up to Nintendo to get 3rd parties to make games for their platform

    • Blake Wigert

      3rd parties are the issue, not Nintendo

  • Kidking17

    Very interesting video