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Devil’s Third is Getting Great Reviews on Amazon Japan

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While many gamers deemed Devil’s Third crap based on graphics alone, people who have purchased the game seem to like it. On Amazon Japan, the game currently had 4 out 5 stars, with many Japanese players giving positive reviews.  Check out some of the reviews past the link. 

Reviewer 1

“Following Splatoon, I thought it looked like fun, so I decided to buy it. Its controls are unique, but once you get used to it you can move with a lot of freedom, and it’s very fun. The online parts are especially fun, and I’m completely satisfied with it. With all the slicing and shooting going on, the online fights get hectic. You get taken out right away if you’re not always moving, It doesn’t take long to get caught when you try hiding. It’s all about always running and disposing of any enemies in sight, as quick as possible. It’s pretty radical for a Nintendo game.”

Reviewer 2

“I recommend this title for players that are bored with current FPS or third-person shooters. It does a wonderful job at combining close-ranged combat action and FPS. As far as graphics go, it’s not on the level of a PS4 or Xbox One game, but those who play a lot of games should be able to see that the fun factor is truly the essence of the game.”

Reviewer 3

It looks difficult at first glance, but the controls make it really easy to play. 
Switching between melee feels very natural and smooth. 
It’s simply fun as an action game. 
Everything is so flashy, it makes me feel like Rambo or Bruce Willis. 

Blood spraying all over (which I knew about, and it also disappears right away,) but I can’t play it in front of kids. 
It’s not bad, but the story is a bit unexciting. 
As far as graphics go, I was satisfied for it being on the Wii U, but the characters kind of have stiff-looking hair (think of it on the same level of PS3.) 
The protagonist is a badass, but I personally couldn’t like him, to be honest. 

Reviewer 4

“It’s been a while since I played an FPS multiplayer game, but I’ve been addicted to it. The shootouts on the massive fields with 16 players is the best part. I haven’t had this much fun since GoldenEye 007 on the Nintendo 64.”

Reviewer 5

“Unlike the FPS I’ve played until now, there’s a variety of action to it, which almost makes it feel it takes the action elements from a Yakuza game, which you can experience in an online title.”

Reviewer 6

“I’ve always been bad at shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield, and could never better my kill/death ratios, so I never knew what was fun about them. After getting into Splatoon after it released in May, I’ve become more confident in shooters, so I decided to buy this game. The single and multiplayer content are completely different, so it feels like you’re playing different games. You don’t take fall damage, so you can feel like a ninja while during the shootouts, and being able to shoot while sliding gives it a nice action element, which makes it different from your average template for approaching your enemies in other shooters.”

Reviewer 7

“It’s excellent [the online mode]. It feels like it’s been a while since I plowed through a game so much in a single day. Guns and melee weapons are very well-balanced, so it doesn’t feel like either of them are too over-powered. With all the weapons and character customization, I have no complaints.”

Via: GoNintendo

Author: Francis@PE (19567 Posts)

  • ActivesiN

    Could easily be Itagaki and his team writing these, let’s wait for some actual reviews

  • ChariotMan7

    Great. this is phenomeal news right now, I will definitely be picking this up.

  • Wanderlei

    I listen to word of mouth of actual people over ‘game reviewers’ any day.

  • Nintimdo

    It’s an amazon exclusive. So if a person was going to buy it retail, that was their only option. Every Wii U owner whether a dedicated Nintendo fanboy or a casual player got it from them. Considering there’s actually only a measly 60 reviews in total on the game. Considering 34 of them are 5 stars.
    We need to ask: Who’s most vocal on the internet and most likely to leave a game review?
    It’s pretty obvious that a bunch of fanboys went and slapped their 5 star review down.
    If the American version was amazon exclusive I’d imagine half the regs here oiling themselves up getting ready to slap down their 5 star reviews.
    This is so meaningless when you actually give it seconds thought.

    • D.M.T

      Haters are just as vocal if not more vocal sometimes than fanboys. If you don’t see a negative comment there is probably because most people who bought the game liked it.

      • Nintimdo

        ‘Haters’ aren’t going to buy the game. You actually had to buy it to leave a review, that’s how amazon works

        • D.M.T

          It’s possible to become a hater AFTER buying the game. People who hate on a game they never played are not taken seriously.

  • Danfordun

    I figured as much. For me, red flags are raised whenever reviewers talk about issues with controls. All it requires is getting use to, that’s all.


    Already told you guys it is a great game. It gives me the The Last Story feel. A unique but great experience overall.

  • Kidking17

    This is a good sign, I’ll wait and see. If the multiplayer is good then I might buy it

  • ednice

    So I guess it’s not complete trash since some people like it.

    • habana.shie

      go to twitch late in the night or early in the morning and watch streams of the japanese players, game looks really fun and they really seem to enjoy it.

  • Wegotexclusives

    My onlyc omplaint about this game is that it doesn’t look like it is a 60$ purchase 50$ i would pay bbut not 60$

  • John Kreps

    Japan has better taste in gaming than the rest of the world. It’s as simple as that.

    • Wegotexclusives


      • John Kreps

        Is there ever a time where they don’t?

        • Wegotexclusives

          Yes! When they buy ps4’s XD

        • ednice

          *cough*mobile games caused traditional video games sales to hit a 24 year low*cough**cough*

          • John Kreps

            I’m talking about in terms of console games. LOL.

  • Hardin Twentyfive

    I’m surprised the Japanese love it.

    • Wegotexclusives

      It has women with very few clothing of couse they will love it. XD

  • awang0718

    Really?? Quoting Amazon reviews?? Really??

    • Travis Touchdown

      As opposed to what? Quoting critic reviews?

      Critics slammed this game when they get hands on it purely because of the visuals. Are we really going to take them seriously?

      • awang0718

        If the game has bad visuals, then it should criticized for having bad visuals.
        What I am wondering is why Francis suddenly writes this article about Devil’s Third Amazon review scores?? He never did this before for any other game.

        • Wegotexclusives

          Cuz is not Francis. This news whee posted somewhere else.

        • http://playeressence.com/ PlayerEssence

          There are no reviews from actual sites for this game. I’ve posted opinion pieces and gamplay from the European press. And when the reviews drop, I’ll post those.

          • awang0718

            Ok cool.

    • Wegotexclusives

      We should be quoting you next on the game quality without taking into consideration that you haven’t played the game!

      • awang0718

        No. We should be quoting the people who actually played this game and a LOT of other games as well (especially the ones also in the shooter genre), rather than the people who say that “It’s been a while since I played an FPS multiplayer game…” and expect people to believe his/her review is legit.

        • Wegotexclusives

          So we should believe people who gave Xenoblade wii a 7 cus it was not in hd? Or people who said that Battlefield 4 is the return of bad company and that it weorks great online?

          • awang0718

            That’s my point. Only Amazon user reviews will say such things like “Xenoblade on Wii sucks because it’s not in HD” and “Battlefield online is amazing.”

          • Wegotexclusives

            But i was quoting ign reviews of those games.

          • awang0718

            Really?? Link please? (Especially the Xenoblade one;).

          • Wegotexclusives

            You really want me to search trough the trash? Ok

          • Wegotexclusives

            Guess i have to eat my words about Xenoblade from ign XD

          • darkgamer001

            Pretty sure they did reduce their graphics score of Xenoblade just because it was on the Wii. Even though it was by just one point, that was the final straw for me with IGN.
            The notion that you punish a game because of the platform it’s on, even though you acknowledge that it maxed out said platform, was not something I could not stomach.

          • Wegotexclusives

            I got banned for asking jose otero why they removed from the main page of thw wiiu section that the Xenoblade collectors was coming to america.

  • Macreen Smith

    So I guess there’s not much to worry about regarding glitches anf other negative aspects of the game before it’s released right?

    • Travis Touchdown

      The glitches are certainly present, but they’re not the game breaking bugs that the press made them out to be. They’re simply somewhat annoying.

      • Wegotexclusives

        Funny this get slamed for glitches but Battlefield 4 was praised same with the mcc.

        • awang0718

          LOL Battlefield 4 and Halo MCC were RIPPED apart by critics and gamers alike for their glitches, bugs, and connection issues.

          • Wegotexclusives

            Battlefield was ripped after they gave positive reviews because the fanbase demanded that they did not the media.

          • freelancepimp .

            The game got an 85 on metacritic and I am willing to bet that most of those reviews were before any major patches.

          • Kidking17

            Battlefield 4 praised??? I must live on a alternate universe lol, both games got slammed for their bugs and glitches

          • Wegotexclusives

            Not by reviewers.

          • awang0718

            That’s exactly what I was trying to say. The game was ripped apart. It damaged EA as a brand.

          • Mythosa

            And DICE.

          • eaglebob345


            8’s and 9’s from the majority of “real” reviewers does seem like being “RIPPED apart” to me.

        • freelancepimp .

          Exactly! Since when did reviewers start back dinging games for glitches. Oh when its a Nintendo game.

      • GreysonTetsuya

        Nintendo is not willing to release a game they develop/publish broken like Ubisoft/EA were willing to do with BF4 and AC Unity. You can always trust that their games will well… Work.