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No Mr. Adelman, You’re Wrong About Nintendo’s Third-Party Situation - Nintendo Enthusiast


Rahming over at Nintendo Enthusiast has penned an interesting article discussing Dan Adelman’s recent comments about Nintendo’s third-party situation. Read the article over at Nintendo Enthusiast, then come back to PE to discuss (it’s not that long).

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Author: Francis@PE (17519 Posts)

  • GaughEyad

    Adelman is a douche. He reminds me of when SquareSoft. Ditched Nintendo for Sony: Badmouthing them at any chance and criticizing everything that they do. Thing is, when you get hired at Nintendo you tend to stay with Nintendo. They don't just let good employees go. This guy, he's proved more than once that he simply does not understand that Nintendo isn't a Western company and therefor does not operate under the same principles.

    I remember reading this stupidity from him a few days ago. He basically said that Nintendo needed to buy off 3rd parties for support. Now, that may fly in the Western world (where employees are constantly being fired and hired and companies often go under practically over night) and with damaged companies like Sony but it's not going to fly with Nintendo. They're more interested in long term goals than in short term profitability. Obviously he has no idea how Nintendo actually works, which is why he no longer works for them.

    Strangely, I wonder why people aren't realizing that he stated outright that Sony and MS bribe developers to support them and call them out for how dangerous that is. The fact that Sony and MS have to bribe for support shows that their platforms aren't stable. If your platform can't stand on its own without having to PAY for support, it's always going to be on the edge of collapse.

    Nintendo may not be getting the best 3rd party support today but they'll still be here tomorrow. Sony, MS and the 3rd parties that support them can't say the same thing.

  • Saleem Rasul

    If either MS or Sony were not as big as they are they would have shuttered long ago. Their business model for their respective gaming divisions is divisive and has resulted in them losing the the ability to dictate terms in the long run.

    Sure they are selling more but that doesnt always equate to making more. I could be selling a 100 items at a profit of 1 dollar and I'll only be making a 100 dollars in total. On the other hand I can sell 10 items at 10 dollars profit and still end up with the same amount.

    While the Wii U isnt selling as much as the HD twins we must remember that it achieved profitability at a much lower sales rate then the competition. Take into consideration that Nintendo are also making a lot of money on their software sales as first party give better margins in general.

    Nintendo's position in the industry is actually very healthy and strong. The Wii U's library too is equally strong despite the slower release schedule. Conversely the PS4/Bone libraries seemed to be filled with broken games aka shovel ware. Eventually the older market that has been sustained the gaming boom are going to hang up their controllers simply out of frustration. When that hits critical mass that is when the next big gaming crash is going to happen as the market will just bottom out.

    Already we see a lot of comments and articles about people saying that they are too old for gaming. This is not because they are actually too old but rather they are left unsatisfied by their hobby. The amount of games in 2014 that did not live up to their promises was staggering. This year itself has already gotten off to a poor start with Evolve's pricing structure and more recently Ubisoft deleting license keys of games people bought from resellers.

    On your Ps4/Bone platforms this is only going to get worse as the platform holders themselves have already capitulated to third party publishers. As more and more adults abandon AAA gaming having three consoles on the market will no longer be sustainable. The signs are already there with Sony looking more into streaming services ala gaikai and the Windows 10 Xbox app.

    The only one who would probably remain doing what they are doing is Nintendo. As long as Nintendo maintain control of their own platform they will continue to make money. They wont make the mega bucks for sure but they will be a lot more stable going forward.

  • Shadowkirby12

    If you see a comment that you think is a trolling comment ignore it :D

  • Ryuken13

    Actually Nintendo does invest in 3rd party games.. Bayonetta 2? They simply only do it when it is to their advantage and don't let the 3rd partys bend them over like Sony and Microsoft..

    It is called negotiations from a position of strength (solid first party line) versus negotiating from a position of weakness..

    • Mythosa

      That they do, but they aren't just willing to throw money at a game without the ability of over seeing it and doing quality control. It seems that they are actually gaining momentum with some third parties, but none seem to be western. I would like some western thirds on board as well, but they majority of them would have a lot of work to do to get them up to par for Nintendo QC. 2k seems to be roughly one of the best western but they haven't worked with Nintendo in a long time.

  • Revolution_5268

    Its it me or the comments are all repeats on the same conversation, not just from the replies but a few days ago as well.

    • Mythosa

      Much of it is yes. I did a lot of it on purpose. I was pointing out stupidity.

  • ChariotMan8

    One of the best articles I've had ever read. I believe now The Big N is doing the right thing following their own path. they also didn't want have to be controlled but! some of those 3rd party game I would like to have on the system. But I still believe this is better that way. We wouldn't want them to end up like Atari like back in the 70's messing up the gaming industry. So it a great article. I also believe the Big N is going to have a great 2015 as well better than 2014!

  • Prime313

    ABANDON THREA…nah, this topic actually warrants a sizable debate.

    I fully agree with this article, Nintendo catering to third-parties would destroy the company. I mean, the, "NXT GEN," twins were built with third parties in mind, and what are they? Mid-range PCs with a brand attached. The only exclusive hardware feature of interest to me was the Kinect 2.0, which was kinda creepy and is practically null and void now that it's not a packed in accessory (which is necessary for any accessory to actually be utilized). Nintendo producing a triplet console would take away what I like about them: their uniqueness. Plus, there is NO guarantee that Nintendo producing a beefy console would bring third-parties on board.

    Before and during Wii U launch, Nintendo DID attempt to work with third-parties. But the third-parties either ignored them, tried to take control of the console, or sabotaged their own projects. Conspiracies aside, third-parties just don't like Nintendo's conservativeness in this matter. It seems like if you're not kneeling before them, then you're their mortal foe.

    I like the way Nintendo is handling things currently, using cross-overs and smaller projects to build trust with GOOD third-parties. Hyrule Warriors now stands as a huge success. Though people are writing it off, saying, "it only sold well because it has Zelda in it," which is true, to a degree. The success of the title will likely lead to more Koei Tecmo games on Wii U, which Nintendo fans have now been familiarized with thanks to Hyrule Warriors. Then you have Bandai Namco, co-developing Smash Bros. and now making an exclusive F2P title (fingers crossed for Tales of U). Then you've got indies, which are a category unto themselves.

    Besides, Nintendo's profiting, you can't actually, "lose," a gen if you're company is growing.

    • fufufu125

      OMG if Bandai Namco makes a Tales of game for Wii U I'd literally just die of happiness. XDDDD

      • Prime313

        That and a Xenosaga HD collection! ;)

        • Mythosa

          Yup, I would prefer Xenosaga actually. Tales are hit and miss imo.

      • alex9234

        Don't count on it though. Namco has that Sony drone Tales producer Hideo Baba who seems interested in keeping the Tales series Sony exclusive. Also, he flat-out lied about the Tales audience only being on Sony systems, when the best selling Tales game, Tales of Symphonia sold 1 million copies worldwide on a Nintendo system - the GameCube. Baba is a Sony fanboy, just like Hideo Kojima.

        • fufufu125

          Yeah, sadly, that's what it looks like. :( I can only wish for another Tales game to be on Nintendo consoles, because there were actually quite some that were on Nintendo consoles before, like Innocence and Hearts on the DS and Graces on the Wii. Then again the remakes of these three games were all on Sony consoles.

  • frankie4fingerx

    Why do comment sections with gamingfan posting on in them seem to be over 100 pages?

    I thought you said you were leaving and not coming back?

    • Mythosa

      Sorry, it's largely my fault. I was bored tonight so I was egging him on. Was fun for me, but this poor comment section is brutal lol. This might be one of the best things ever though, a quote from him.
      "The gaming industry outside of Nintendo is a fraud. Anyone with common sense knows this. This includes the gaming media and this is the one of the only websites that tells it like it is." Taken from http://playeressence.com/adam-deal-with-it-orth-d

      • frankie4fingerx

        Priceless haha.

      • Revolution_5268

        Hey I just saw my comment with gamingfan 44 weeks ago! :D
        I made History!!
        I called dibs before all of you.

      • Gamingfan

        That's what I thought at the time but I admit I was wrong with that. Clearly it' partly Nintendo's fault and third parties. You see I admit when I make mistakes unlike you Nintendo children. You guys just constantly damage control facts.

        • Ryuken13

          "Children"?? Wow you are really trying to start shit.. You definitely need to be banned.

          • Mythosa

            Don't worry about it, he has been saying that about me all yesterday as well lol.

          • Gamingfan

            You are children. You worship a company and get asshurt about someones opinion.

        • Mythosa

          No, you have admited you are wrong once so far on this thread. It's all good man. It's okay to be stubborn, especially when you don't understand or comprehend what is going on. You clearly don't have the mental capacity for respectful conversation. Contrary to you, I will happily and openly admit when I am being an ass, like now for instance.
          You say Nintendo's fault and third parties, but do you know why? Or understand why? Couple more questions I'm sure you will ignore and/or deflect.

    • http://nintendobserver.com/ DePapier

      He seems to have taken it upon himself to put money into Francis's pockets. He's not the first one though.

      I mean I don't care to read what he's saying but it reminds me of the good times when the trolls we would push back would try to leave the website as martyrs, as if they weren't meant to hit the door on their way out.

      It's just funny.

    • Dark Shidara

      Because of the Controversy and the Fun he brings to the Comment Section just look at the Articles where he doesn't comment they're dead lol.

    • Ryuken13

      I simply posted once saying his word wasn't worth shit and he burned his bridges here..

      Guy simply loves to troll, argue, and cause problems.

      • Gamingfan

        lol this Nintendo child can't accept opinions.

  • FalconLawnch

    I'd honestly be satisfied with Nintendo having more or less full support from Japanese third parties and playing the occasional western third-party game on PC or Xbox.

    That being said, I think that
    Nintendo's software library could benefit from more "organic" partnerships with third party publishers. The platform holder often sets the tone for the type of content that appears on their systems. This is why the original Xbox got several shooters and PC style RPGs and the Wii got plenty of arcadey motion games. Who knows, maybe we could get a proper sequel to SSX and NBA Street if Nintendo and EA could patch up their relationship. Or perhaps a good Prince of Persia reboot from Ubisoft.

  • markwang125

    I'd just rather stick with Nintendo's current situation right now. Sure, it'd be cool to have 3rd parties on the Wii U, but paying for 3rd party titles is going to bite them in the butt one way or another. I have a PS4 and PC for my 3rd party titles (some of which I will be purchasing this year), so I'm pretty much set.

  • ActualGamer78

    I have no use for a Xbox One or a PS4 at the very moment. They have very few games and many of the 3rd parties are lacking and the ones not lacking are already on PC, which is my main platform anyway.

    3rd parties have become turds lately. Lack of third party isn't hurting Nintendo, especially since their games are lacking the quality, eve more compared to Nintendo's own games. PC, Wii U, 3DS, and Vita for me. I'll get an Xbox One when Phantom Dust and Scalebound come out.

  • MJTroper

    Word of advice, if you want to have a debate with someone, don't insult the person you're debating with . That's called an ad hominem, and all that does is lead to pointless arguments. If someone does insult you, be the better person and don't insult them back, it makes you look better. Don't actually say that though, that counts as an indirect insult.

    The only thing that should be targeted in a debate is the debate itself, not the person making it.

  • Gamingfan

    If you're biased towards Nintendo please don't reply to me anymore.

    • http://thenintendovault.wordpress.com/ Your Usual Sparkie


      • Gamingfan

        Hello lol.

    • ActualGamer78

      Son, we all have about 99 jimmies and you've rustled none

      • http://thenintendovault.wordpress.com/ Your Usual Sparkie

        Dude, speak for yourself, WTF, I don't want to have 99 jimmies, that's some Chernobyl stuff right there.

        • ActualGamer78

          Hey, Smoothskin!

        • Dark Shidara

          shouldn't you be analysing a Xenoblade Vid??

          • http://thenintendovault.wordpress.com/ Your Usual Sparkie

            Shit. Can I hide behind the excuse that I'm lazy?

          • Dark Shidara

            Lol! No! no, you may not and cannot hide behind a lazy excuse now get back to them vids.

    • MarioTGP

      If you don't like here go back to mynintendonews.com or wiiudaily.com and there's someway some people in the attic

      • Gamingfan

        The site is fine. The Nintendo children are the problem. They can't accept opinions that are negative towards Nintendo and they also damage control facts. Clearly you can troll in Sony articles but not Nintendo articles. What about how you said you want Sony gone as well as the Playstation brand? Do you want to see innocent people lose their jobs? You're too far up Nintendo's a$$ to have any kind of common sense. You're aren't being paid by Nintendo to defend them so stop acting like a child.

    • AJ_Lethal

      gr8 b8 m8

    • http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpthURgD8mQHMc_4ckdxKag Matthew Wesley

      Why are you still here? Didn't you say you were leaving… pissant?

  • *NormalGamer*

    Nintendo isn't Sony and Microsoft; Nintendo dosen't 'need' to mimic Sony and Microsoft's video game business models for their success; Nintendo pretty much reinvented it time and time again ever since they brought the NES to the U.S. in the 80's.

  • http://thenintendovault.wordpress.com/ Your Usual Sparkie

    I actually agree with the few people in the comments saying Nintendo would be better off with third parties by their side. It's true, there would be more games, more variety, and the Wii U would sell more. However all these arguments on this page are doing is nothing, because no matter how much we're going to whine, we're never getting solid third party support.

    We have already seen what happens when Nintendo partners up with third parties. Delayed releases, unfair prices, shitty ports and a whole load of backstabbing. If you think it's a smart idea for Nintendo to waste resources on these assholes, think again. Even the partnership with SEGA got nowhere…

    At this point, I've dealt with it. If first party is what I'm getting on my Wii U, then I guess so be it.

    • The_adj

      I'm quite happy to support indie companies but the big third parties just don't do it for me anymore. Capcom was one that dealt a kick to the balls with the whole revelations 2 recently, then the remastered original GC HD version not coming over either.

    • http://nintendobserver.com/ DePapier

      What Sparkie said. Back to Smash Bros. and Mario Kart, and we will see who's the coolest squid in May.

  • rubix8702

    The funny thing about individuals who say that Nintendo should do the same thing that Sony and Microsoft are doing is that they give no valid business plan as to how that will work. If the big N were to money hat games from third parties, how fast would that war chest of money they have in the bank be drained? Ten million dollars would turn to twenty million. One game exclusivity would turned to timed only. It would be a never ending cycle, kind of like the way it is now.

    There's a difference in knowing business and speculating from an armchair position. Heading a multi-billion dollar business is not easy, but the model shouldn't be complicated: make money within a constrained budget and satisfy the bottom line. Yes, it's the less sexy approach, but it works. The last time I checked Nintendo is back to black. So, why should they beg third parties to come on board if they don't want to, or more readily have to? It's like asking a small business to give away all their products to the competition in the hopes of garnering some of their customers. Some people will NEVER buy a Nintendo system no matter WHAT games are on there. It is what it is. Bayonetta 2 is proof of that. In short, it's an idiotic premise and one that doesn't make sense.

    The business model Sony and Microsoft are doing is one that I think THEY shouldn't even be doing. They would better benefit from investing in their own studios so they can maximize their profits instead of giving so much money away to third parties (Destiny anyone?). However, they have unfortunately made their beds and now they must sleep in them. It's a destructive symbiotic relationship that third parties have with Sony and Microsoft, and it's why their gaming divisions are suffering the way they are. I hope and pray Nintendo doesn't follow suit because then the gaming industry, which is already slowly eroding, would collapse even faster. But given that Nintendo is inherently Japanese at heart, I don't see them taking on too many western business practices. It's not healthy for a company to give their money away when there are no signs that they need to.

    That's all.

    • titangamecube

      I like the bayonetta example because it highlight another problem that Star Fox is going to run into. If people truly cared for a series, they would buy the console. no questions. Funny, I did that with Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5. But then you have people who say they want Star Fox but in reality don't care for it when they have to buy a Wii U for it. Then bitch about it. Where is that goddamned Reggie quote when you need it.

      • rubix8702

        I know right.

        • titangamecube

          FOUND THE QUOTE:
          "One of the things that, on one hand, I love and, on the other hand, that troubles me tremendously about not only our fanbase but about the gaming community at large is that, whenever you share information, the perspective is, 'Thank you, but I want more.' 'Thank you, but give me more.' I mean, it is insatiable.

          "And so for years this community has been asking, 'Where's Pikmin?' 'Where's Pikmin?' 'Where's Pikmin?' We give them Pikmin. And then they say, 'What else?'

          "For years, this community have said, 'Damnit Reggie, when you launch, you better launch with a Mario game.' So we launch with a Mario game, and they say, 'So what's more?'

          "I have heard people say, 'You know, you've got these fantastic franchises, beyond what you're doing in Smash Bros., isn't there a way to leverage all these franchises?' So we create Nintendo Land and they say, 'Ho-hum, give me more.' So it's an interesting challenge."

          • rubix8702

            So true, people are never satisfied.

          • titangamecube

            This applies to almost anything: You bust your ass to make the next great game in a franchise, people aren't happy. You make a sequel to a game that hasn't had any in a while, people aren't happy. You make a brand new game, people still hate it. Its like…are you fucking kidding me? lol

          • rubix8702

            Lol, tell me about it. Next you'll have people complaining about not having Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox, Mario Kart, Xenoblade, Mario Galaxy, and Smash out on the next system AT launch. Lol, people are impatient.

    • AJ_Lethal

      this guy gets it.

      money hatting a la MS/Sony would be reckless for Nintendo; IMO, Nintendo should look for more "orphaned projects" (like Bayo 2 or Devil's Third) to alleviate the droughts problem.

      • rubix8702

        It's actually 'girl' lol.

    • AntiActivity

      I would also like to point out 3rd parties are now in control of Microsoft and Sony after this moneyhatting BS. The 3rd parties can now approach either of the two companies and say, "Hey, would you like to pay us some extra cash to release this game on your console (Choose one: with exclusive content, time limited exclusive, or complete exclusivity)? If not, we'll just offer this to your competitor. I'm sure they'll pay more." Microsoft and Sony have enabled 3rd parties an ability to blackmail them now, instead of voluntarily supplying the games to their consoles.

      • alex9234

        Also, look at what happened to Sega in the Dreamcast era when 3rd parties had complete control of them.

  • Grey1399

    I enjoy having my $60 brand new game WORK when I buy it. I would rather have a couple high quality fully functional games a year, as opposed to a bunch of broken games a year. Nintendo would never release a broken game like some third party developers. There are a couple good multiplats Nintendo is missing, but they more than make up for it with their exclusives.

    • abCDinc88

      Indeed, I was actually amazed that I was completely satisfied last year only buying 5 major titles (a few Indie games too) simply due to the massive amount of value each of those titles had.

      Here's how many hours I managed to sink per title:
      Bravely Default - 140
      Mario Kart 8 - 70 (online frustrates me so I don't play it as much as I would like)
      Hyrule Warriors - 240
      Bayonetta 2 - 60
      Smash 4 - 220

      And I know when I catch up on games I missed out on like Persona Q, Tales of Xilia 2 and even Captain Toad, that's first 2 at least will consume well over 80 hours.

  • titangamecube

    I want to talk about gaming droughts and this somewhat relates to the article: Gaming droughts are all in our heads. Sure, the actual perception is that Nintendo has less games coming out then Sony and Microsoft but I'm more interested in Kirby than something like Dying Light. You know, the same zombie game we have seen 100 times done before. Sure more games is nice but then im reminded of steam and that "library" of games. Just a couple of weeks ago, I went out and got Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 because I know for a fact that its going to take some time getting through all those games. Now how does this relate to the article? Simply put, if Nintendo had to rely on 3rd Parties, the industry would have been dead by now. The thing is, I don't fucking want Nintendo to not use Mario like Sony doesn't use Jak and Daxter or Ratchet and Clank anymore and instead push out whats popular rather than what made the other IPs good. Im in a drought for another Jak and Daxter game but does that mean there is one? Hell no. Some are not interested in Kirby, does that mean there is a drought? Fuck no. Thats the same argument that is entirely being repeated since the Wii U was launched and honestly, it has zero logic.

    • Gamingfan

      The gaming droughts aren't in our heads. If you don't like the one game Nintendo releases a month you have a drought. Not everyone is going to like every game that Nintendo releases. That's a fact.

      • titangamecube

        That is not a gaming drought. If I own every single Wii U game and that includes all the indie games released on the E shop, beaten every single one then yes, Im in a drought. But I don't every single game and I haven't actually beaten all the games I own. Thereby, no drought. Its your in head that there is one but objectively, there isn't one.

        • Gamingfan

          So you have to play and like every Wii U game for there not to be a drought? Umm, no. It's not in my head at all. If I've played and finished every game that I'm interested in and there's no games I want til Splatoon then I'm in a drought. You can't counter argue that point.

          • titangamecube

            Thats the thing, YOU'RE in the drought. Its all in your head at this point. Just because you're not interested in one game doesn't automatically mean everyone else is.

          • Gamingfan

            If there's a drought for anyone it's a problem for Nintendo. They need to please us. Not the other way around. If people aren't happy with them they don't continue to give them their money.

          • titangamecube

            …That is incredibly dumb logic. Sorry if my games don't interest you, just go play another game. Oh wait you're still complaining even when we have games coming out every month? Well thats too freaking bad. I guess I have to cater to the special snowflakes out there and alienate the player that actually gives a damn.

          • Gamingfan

            Tell that to Nintendo dude. Go tell them that they don't have to cater to everyone. They will laugh at you.

          • titangamecube

            Its not a matter of don't cater but rather can I cater? The answer is going to be no. I make a great game come out that pleases 70% of the base. Thats good enough. That 30% may like something else so I make a game for them and guess what…they didn't like it. So rather then cater to those special snowflakes, I'll cater to the 70% that actually cared for the original game. I can't please everyone. Thats logic you have to understand and if you can't understand that, too bad.

          • Gamingfan

            Yer, how are those Wii U sales going? They must be catering to so many people.

          • titangamecube

            Oh look, a sales warrior. Let me get my give a fuck box. Oh look, my box is empty. I better fill it with fucks but goddamn, there is a drought of fucks.

          • Gamingfan

            Go ask Nintendo if they're happy with the state of the Wii U.

          • titangamecube

            Why don't you ask them? I mean you seem to care about sales, go ask them. I don't because they know about the Wii U situation more than anyone. I trust them to do what they have to do.

          • Gamingfan

            You should care about sales. What would happen if every console and game sold like crap?

          • titangamecube

            There is a difference. If Nintendo makes a profit on selling a few consoles and games vs. Sony having to make a profit on more consoles and more games, sales numbers don't matter.

          • The_adj

            Well would they carry on with what they were doing if they didn't think that. Take a look at the x box one and they've had to change pretty much everything about that console and turn it into a ps4 to try to play catch up.

          • Gamingfan

            But they have so many games to back them up. It's called choices.

          • MegamanX47

            Not really, I have a Wii U and a Xbone and I only play Destiny with my friends on it. They must have a drought…

          • Gamingfan

            You have one game to choose from on Wii U a month if you're lucky. On other consoles multiple choices. You can't defend it dude. It's over.

      • The_adj

        Having just looked at nintendo uk website for releases this year they have 26 titles penned in so far. Yeah some of those are smaller games, some are wii virtual console ones but that is still an average of over 2 games per month. Just because you may not like some of the games coming out does not mean they are not there!!!!

        • Gamingfan

          In the first half of the year there is a drought for me and many others. Nintendo don't release enough games for there to never be a drought.

      • Mythosa

        Do you know what a drought it?
        It's not "I have no water to drink because I don't like it". It's there is no water to drink because there either isn't any, or the water that is there is unsuitable for drinking (will make you sick, parasites)
        Gaming drought means there are NO games. Not no games to your liking. That would mean that a drought is only to each individual. This is not an "IMO" piece, it's backable by facts that are undeniable.
        Not to mention you are only counting exclusives to Nintendo but not the others, it has to have the same conditions on all sides or else it becomes what is called "biased". Now if you were to say 'Nintendo has less games coming to the system than other systems in this year' that would be factually correct because it is backable by facts and is then the truth.
        It is a fact that not everybody is going to like what Nintendo releases. It is also a fact that not everybody are going to like what Sony, MS, Ubisoft, EA, Activision, 2K, Capcom, SE or any others are going to release. You are mixing facts with opinions. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it is not there. If you get served steak, potatoes and asparagus but you dislike the asparagus it does not mean it doesn't exist so that you only got steak and potatoes. If all you get is asparagus but you don't like it, it still exists and was given or offered to you.

        • Gamingfan

          So you think releasing one game a month is good enough? Like I said earlier, I'm not going to reply to Nintendo children who defend everything Nintendo says and does. There's a problem and it needs to be fixed.

          • Mythosa

            When did you say that earlier? When you failed to answer my question about your age? I am very seriously quetioning your comprehension level here. Nothing I said had any bias at all. It was entirely unbiased because I pointed out that if you create parameters for one console to follow those same parameters need to be followed on each one.
            I didn't say anything about the one game a month thing because it's complete garbage. If you include indies in the list and exclusive third party support it's far more than that. If it is Nintendo published only, then that is about correct, however if you take that and put it on the other consoles Nintendo likely has more published than either MS or Sony for their respective consoles. Nobody is arguing that Nintendo isn't getting as much third party support and they aren't getting the multiplats at the moment, it might change, it might not, I cannot tell the future. If Nintendo suddenly decided to start paying for multiplats they would get them right away.
            Do all on the games that Nintendo has lined up for publishing interest me? No. Although many of them do. Do all of Sony's published games coming out this year interest me? No. There is two at this point, sort of, I'm undecided on it till I see how one of them plays out. Same question with MS? No. There are a hand full of them, scalebound, Halo 5, Quantum Break, possibly Fable.
            Third parties? No. One. Batman Arkham Knight.

          • Gamingfan

            "I didn't say anything about the one game a month thing because it's complete garbage."

            So you're saying it's ok for them to continue doing that? Sorry but that is defending them and that's one of their main problems, not releasing enough games.

          • Mythosa

            Once again. Severly questioning your comprehension. Did you actually read my response? I answered you. You are entirely factually wrong with your summation, therefor it cannot be ansered directly. I would love to explaing it in simpler terms for you, but unfortunately I am unable.
            Thanks for coming out.

          • Gamingfan

            I just responded to the sentence you typed. Nothing wrong with the comprehension in my reply. All you do is keep defending Nintendo. Talk crap about Sony dude, I don't care. I'm not emotionally attached to a company. If I like what I see then I buy it. None of these companies care about me. They want your money and there's nothing else to it.

          • Mythosa

            Come on man, stay on topic, I know you can do it. I have faith in you.
            You can keep saying that I have been defending Nintendo, doesn't make it true. I also haven't said anything negative about Sony in this conversation. I do question if you are emotionally attached though, you do seem to be taking it quite personally. Behaviorally, you are defensive, quick to reply and react, and are instictively thinking people mean the worst for you and Sony. Sounds to me like somene is trying to kill your puppy. I do agree though, none of these companies care about you as an individual. They care about you as a customer, but not as an individual.
            Practice what you preach man.
            There is an issue with your comprehension since I answered your question but you fail to comprehend that. Oddly enough though, you haven't answered any of my questions except my most recent one, but you did so indirectly.

          • Gamingfan

            I've shared my opinion on the amount of games on Wii U. Moving on.

          • Mythosa

            Actually, that's not true. I'm more than happy to move on though.
            I'm going to give you a word. I suggest you look it up. Maybe even try to fit it into your every day life.
            With that word in mind. Thanks for coming out.

          • Gamingfan

            What's not true? Sharing my opinion?

            I'll give you two words that sum you up: Damage Control.

            Piece of advice. Stop defending Nintendo all the time. They don't care about you. All they want is your $. Bye.

          • Mythosa

            Indeed. You opinion on something that is factually false isn't an opinion, it's a lie.
            Did you look up the word yet? I'm guessing you didn't. Here let me help you out with that. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/integri
            There ya go, that should help.
            Damage control sum me up? Can you expand on that? I would really like to know.
            We have already covered what the companies care about, as you said, move on. Your coherency is dissipating by repeating your over used remarks and quips.
            Any chance you want to have a real conversation? Your misdirection is getting us nowhere.

          • Gamingfan

            "You opinion on something that is factually false isn't an opinion, it's a lie."

            Seriously, what are you talking about? Droughts? There is droughts for me and other people that aren't interested in some of Nintendo's games that get released once or twice a month if that. That is a fact.

            No need to expand on the damage control situation. You're defending Nintendo's situation right now with the Wii U and it's selling worse than the Gamecube. Nintendo wouldn't be happy with it. There's nothing you can say about the matter but you still try to. That''s what we call damage control.

          • Mythosa

            Do we really need to start all over again? Interest has nothing to do with a drought in any form. So no, it's an opinion of intrest on the topic of games coming out. Nothing to do with a drought. You can keep saying that you aren't interested in some fo the games, still doesn't make it a drought. The games are there, you just don't want them, so you are making a decision to pass on the games available.
            We aren't talking about sales, that's an entirely different topic all together. Misdirection? Nah. We are talking about the falsehood of a drought, not sales.
            You still haven't explained or expanded upon your statment of me damage controlling. If you cannot prove it, then it's a lie and also in this case defamation.

          • Gamingfan

            Nintendo only release one or two games a month if that so there is no choice like the other consoles. If you're not interested in those couple of Nintendo games there is nothing new to play and therefore it's a drought to that person. It really isn't that hard to understand.

          • Mythosa

            No, it's not a drought, we went through this. It's a decision to pass on or disinterest in the games released. They are still there and available to you. Can you deny this?

          • Gamingfan

            hmm 1 game a month on the Wii U compared to 10-20 on the PS4. Wake up dude.

          • Mythosa

            So you cannot deny it. Okay.
            Give me a month that has 10-20 games being released on the PS4. Please. I would very much like to see it.

          • Gamingfan

            February PS4 games:

            Unmechanical Extended
            Dead or Alive 5: Final Round
            Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 1
            The Order: 1886
            Dragon Ball Z Xenoverse
            Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires
            Resident Evil Revelations: Episode 2


            Bladestorm: Nightmare
            Resident Evil Revelations: Episode 3
            Devil Mar Cry: Definitive Edition
            Resident Evil Revelations: Episode 4
            Battlefield: Hardline
            Final Fantasy Type- 0
            Project Cars
            Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
            Toukiden: Kiwami

            Wii U


            Kirby and the Rainbow Curse


            Mario vs Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars
            Mario Party 10

            It's embarassing.

          • Mythosa

            Oh, so third party and indie games are being included.

            I think you are missing a bunch of Wii U games then.

          • LoneWanderer007

            He's clearly biased for sony

          • Gamingfan

            Stuff Sony for now needing to pay for online. Don't like Uncharted, Sony's arguably biggest game of the year. Don't care about God of War, Infamous, Killzone, Gran Turismo etc. Completely exposed.

          • LoneWanderer007

            Interesting. So basically your only interesting is where ever the third party goes.

        • The_adj

          Absolutely spot on. There are no games on ps4 till June when arkham knight comes out that I want to play, doesn't mean there are no games coming out.

          • Gamingfan

            Yeah, 100 games on PS4 vs 10 Wii U games for the year. Big difference. I'm exaggerating on the number but you get my point. You need choice.

          • The_adj

            You take one look at the uk charts for the past four years and tell me the same thing. Shooters, racing games and FIFA take up the top spots for the majority of that time. Now if that's not a bit of variety I don't know what is.

          • Gamingfan

            People like shooters, racers and sports games. There's nothing you can do about it. I like a variety of games too but you have to remember that most of the industry is made up of casual gamers. Those kinds of gamers in the console market like shooters and sports and that's just the way it is.

          • The_adj

            I am starting to see that you seem to share the very narrow minded view with the casual gaming market, and can see why you frustrate other members on this site. You say there is a drought in nintendos market release so I google the release for the year to find loads coming out. I point out just the one game on a third party machine I'm interested in and you say there are 100s of games coming out for ps4. There is so much more variety on nintendo consoles currently compared to the paint by numbers twin consoles.

          • Gamingfan

            Frustrate other members on this site? Because I don't worship a company and that's all there is to it.

            "There is so much more variety on nintendo consoles currently compared to the paint by numbers twin consoles."

            Credibility lost.

          • The_adj

            Oh no how am I going to cope. That along with the wii u gaming drought coming up. Goodbye cruel world it's been nice knowing you………..

          • Gamingfan

            I'll cope just fine. I have more than one console so I'm good.

          • Dark Shidara

            Confirmed for 2015
            The Order 1886

            Rumored for 2015
            Uncharted 4
            Until Dawn

            Confirmed for 2015
            Kirby and the Rainbow Curse*
            Yoshi's Woolly World*
            Mario Vs Donkey Kong Tipping Stars**
            Mario Maker**
            Mario Party 10**
            Xenoblade Chronicles X***
            The Legend of Zelda U***
            Starfox Wii U*
            Project Treasure*

            Rumored for 2015
            Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem
            Devil's Third
            Project Giant Robot
            Project Guard
            Dragon Quest X

            Between Shooters, Platformers, RPG, Puzzle, Party & Adventure there's plenty of choice.

            * Games Confirmed not to be Generic Corridor FPS/3PS.
            ** Games Confirmed to be Unique.
            ***Games Confirmed to be more than 40 hours long.

          • Gamingfan

            Games I'm getting on PS4 this year:

            The Order: 1886. Third person shooter.
            Bloodborne. RPG.
            Mortal Kombat X. Fighter.
            The Witcher 3. RPG.
            Batman: Arkham Knight. Open world action adventure.
            MGSV: The Phantom Pain. Open world stealth adventure.
            Persona 5. RPG.
            Star Wars Battlefront.
            Maybe Until Dawn.

            Sony have third parties to fill in the gaps. Nintendo don't so they need to do something about it themselves.

            On Wii U:

            Yoshi's Wooly World.
            Xenoblade Chronicles X.
            Starfox Wii U.
            Zelda Wii U.

          • markwang125

            I'll be getting a rather equal amount of games on both platforms. My priorities are going to be:

            Wii U:
            Xenoblade X (need this)
            Zelda U
            Yoshi's Woolly World

            MGSV: Phantom Pain (probably most anticipated this year)
            Persona 5
            Final Fantasy Type-0
            Resident Evil: Revelations 2

            If we were to throw 3DS into the bunch:

            Bravely Second
            Fire Emblem If
            Monster Hunter 4

          • Dark Shidara

            I knew you had to put some 3rd party games to fill your PS4 library because it needs 3rd parties to survive unlike the Wii U it can survive on 1st Party games.

            Now we know of the Quality of Nintendo 1st party games and how fun they are so for me the PS4 2015 lineup is very weak and generic I would and will choose:

            Splatoon over Gears of Order 1886
            Zelda U over DarkBloodsouls 2.5
            Xenoblade Chronicles X over the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

            And I have no interest in

            Hide and Seek Gear V
            Persona 4.5
            Batman: The Power of The Batmobile
            Mortal Kombat 9.5
            Street Fighter 4.5
            Beyond 2 Heavy Dawn
            or any last gen port.

            Word of caution though 3rd Party games have been less than stellar so I would advice to buy them a week after relerase.

          • Gamingfan

            This is what Nintendo lacks. They either need those third party multiplats or release more exclusives so there is more variety to choose from. Stop defending them because the problem need to be fixed. Why do you think Nintendo are combining both their console and handheld divisions? I guarantee they will want both handheld and console games to be able to be played on one device. There wouldn't be many droughts if that happened.

          • Gamingfan

            lol do you call Project Giant Robot and Project Guard games? They're prototypes.

          • Dark Shidara

            If something like Flower, Proteus and No Man's Sky can be called Games anything can.

            Also it should be: "lol DID you call Project Giant Robot and Project Guard games?"

          • Gamingfan

            I'm not interested in them either. I'm not interested in plenty of Sony franchises. There's no need to be bias.

          • Mythosa

            Really? There has got to be more confirmed from Sony for 2015, no? That's crazy. I didn't think it was that low. Got X1's as well?

          • Dark Shidara


            Confirmed for 2015:
            Halo 5 Guardians
            Quantum Break

            Rumored for 2015:
            Crackdown 3
            Forza Motorsport 6

            Notice I only wrote Exclusives and Omited 3rd Party, Indies & Console Exclusives that will be on PC for all 3 so games like Street Fighter 5 & Fable Legends had to be omitted as PC is a Competing "Console" too.

            (also sorry for the late reply)

    • The_adj

      That's very similar to what I was trying to say, I never got the chance to pick up xenoblade on wii. But from what I've seen I'm not going to have a drought when I pick it up on new 3DS or the wii u game. That and I don't remember ever completing majoras mask originally and then the prime trilogy coming out this week. It seems like some people aren't happy unless they have something to moan about. Yeah nintendo could money hat other publishers or rush out their own games to get more out there but as we've seen with third parties recently the results haven't been pretty.

      • titangamecube

        And I have seen the Steam Library of Games. Steam sales be damned: Quality over quantity. If Im bored with one game, I switch to another. Simple.

        • Gamingfan

          That's the thing though, just because you like something doesn't mean everyone else will. Let's just say you like Kirby, Mario Party 10 and Mario vs Donkey Kong but I don't care about them, then what? You have something to play but I don't. That is a drought to me.

          • The_adj

            So if it's that much of a problem and nintendo offends you by doing what they've been doing for the past god knows how many years, why not sell the console and move onto one of the other consoles that seem to be so much better.

          • Gamingfan

            I have another console but that doesn't solve Nintendo's problem. The Wii U is on track to sell even worse than the Gamecube. Nintendo wouldn't be happy with that at all.

          • rubix8702

            If you hate it so much, why should it matter? Play your PS4 and be happy. Nintendo is in the black dude, as long as they make money they will continue to make games. It doesn't matter how much they sell, as long as there's profit. That is business 101. You're worrying for nothing. Some simply won't support Nintendo, so why worry about it? Just play what you enjoy.

          • Gamingfan

            Don't worry I am. I just gave my opinion on the situation of the Wii U and people just like debating on the topic.

          • rubix8702

            …Right lol.

      • Mythosa

        Of course.

    • abCDinc88

      From what I can gather, those who mainly complain about gaming droughts seriously need another hobby, that or maybe they should expand their preferences. It's like how many were complaining that 2014 was a crappy year for gaming yet that's ONLY really the case if all you like are AAA titles since both PC and Nintendo users had an awesome year.

      I personally have a hard time keeping up with game releases in general, typically passing up games I really do want and just buying them up when I've caught up or have the spare cash. Even if there's a "drought" I just use that time to finish up other games, catch up on those I missed out on, or (this may seem odd to other gamers) do something else! lol

      • Bigdog1991

        Hell I got more important stuff to do like work and take care of my family. Those who complain about droughts and claim they are mature seriously need a reality check. It's not my job to pay for third party broken games. I have my priority to my family and my job.

        • abCDinc88

          While I don't have a family (damn you're younger than me, lol) I did return to school (getting into Creative Media, and this semester has me studying digital photography, video, art, web design and a seminar on critical thinking, the critical thinking one being the easiest class for me right now, haha), also a dancer, artist, musician and actively participate in events with my church and dance studio, plus I work at schools so yeah, I have plenty other things to do outside of gaming.

      • nyobee

        yea… I have too many hobbies with is my problem… Video Games, Art, Anime, Manga, Books and Comics… When one slows down I just pick up one of my other hobbies and do that. I have a backlog of video games though and a backlog of things I wanna read and draw… Gotta work on my graphic novel. Not to mention ne going to Comic book, video game and anime conventions. Whew.. I do way too much.

    • Raph_Scallion

      It's also worth mentioning that the Wii U has quite the lion's share of games coming out in 2015, anyway.

      • The_adj

        Oh no gaming fan says there are no games coming out at all, at least till splatoon. So we'd best hibernate till then

    • rodolfofornillos

      honestly, i don't feel any drought in terms of games for Nintendo. yes, they don't have that flashy new shooter, or that snazzy new acing sim. but what they do have, I'm happy. anyway, with work and family, I have to balance everything, including game time; so it can take up to a few weeks for me to complete just one game. heck it took me more than a month to finish Hyrule Warriors, and it's not even 100% complete (haven't finished adventure mode yet).

      which reminds me, have to check my backlog again.

  • Bigdog1991

    Nintendo should not money hat these third party for broken games. If they want to money hat a dead third party game, then that is fine. They should keep doing what they are doing to keep themselves going. The only game I want to play on the other consoles is Batman and I will just wait to play that on my brothers Xbox one.

  • abCDinc88

    Completely agreed and it's what I've been telling others who make similar statements about how Nintendo should basically do what Sony and Microsoft are doing. Sorry but we don't need a 3rd company giving us the same stuff, even if it means Nintendo's the "secondary choice" that's still a good position to have because it becomes the obvious platform to buy after one gets a PS4 or XBoxOne (of course the Wii U is my primary home console).

    • Bigdog1991

      Same here.

    • Planetmobius

      Nintendo doesn't need to be like Sony and microsoft, but it does need 3rd party, no if's and's or butts about it. I love nintendo but sometimes there are droughts that need to be filled in. I have a ps4 to play some of the 3rd partys and games that will only come out on that system like Witcher 3 and kingdom hearts.

      I don't like it when nintendrones try to downplay the whole third party thing. Like if they don't want third party then dont buy it, but it shouldn't be to the point to where they want to take that option away completely. Some nintendo fans want more. Saying that a nintendo console doesn't need third party is not an okay thing at all.

      I love nintendo, always have and always will. They don't need to change or become like Sony or Microsoft, they are better at making 1st party games. Heck I don't even like any of sonys or Microsoft 1st party games. But I'm a gamer first beforehand, and it sucks that as a gamer I have to buy more systems to play 3rd party games that could have easily been on a nintendo console but they opted to make things difficult.

      • Gamingfan

        Having more games on the Wii U would help Nintendo. People that don't want Nintendo to have a better line up of games simply aren't Nintendo fans.

      • Nduo3

        More games would be better you are right, but you have a choice to buy. you are the consumer no company is forcing you buy their product. Lets flip your comment why don't Sony and Microsoft have an better first party line, then they will be better that the big N. Each company is different and you buy each because of that difference, and each gaming console have an drought and it also have to do with the gamers preference. The 1 year for all 3 was a drought, and the 1 year in gen 9 will have a drought for all 3, as it has been in the past. when third party publisher share holders care about gamers and gaming and not about putting small funds for developing and great returns then I'll care about multi plats.

        • Gamingfan

          I know I have a choice to buy and I won't be making the same mistake again by buying a Nintendo console at launch until they can prove themselves that there won't be barren wasteland during the year.

          • Nduo3

            great that is your choice I agree with you. and I do the same because we all have a choice, but remember all consoles have a drought.

          • Gamingfan

            Nar thats cool dude and youre right, all consoles have a drought at some point. Its good to see some mature people on this site.

          • Nduo3

            Same here I wish people act reasonable & talk logically too. that is what I strive to do. my company has work with the big N and is currently working for Sony, so I understand were your come from and many others. check my new YouTube channel KD flow to see if people like you and me can cut the B.S and thanks for you reply.

        • Planetmobius

          The 1st party thing is true, the problem is, we're not talking about wanting 1st party, or we wouldn't all agree nintendo is the best at it, the problem is 3rd party, which again nintendo could easily have had this gen if they didn't make things a bit difficult for them.

          I had mentioned in my previous comment that I don't like Sony or Microsoft 1st party because I can say that. I've owned their consoles and their games and don't mind them much or care for them or just dislike them. but as a nintendo fan I love their 1st party, that's why I have and always will have their consoles and games but the problem is 3rd partys which can come to any console and nintendo could easily get them and have gotten them, but again, they've made it difficult for most of them.

          • Gamingfan

            I'd like the third party multiplats on the Wii U as well but we have no idea on what goes on behind the scenes.

          • Planetmobius

            Yea I mean, I'd be an ignorant nintendo fan if I didn't admit that some of it is nintendos fault but It's also 3rd partys fault as well, at least the bad ones, for coming up with excuses on some games that could have came out and bringing so half assed games with no dlc or full content. Its both their faults.

          • Mythosa

            Yup. There are lots of examples of this, like one of the most recent ones being Citizens of Earth. Runs the same on all platforms and was released at the same time on all as well.
            It takes work for all platforms to get anything to run well. Take Tetris on the PS4 for instance…

          • Nduo3

            ok you say that they made hard for 3rd party, but what 3rd party developers or publishers? and their is a reason I why I ask.

          • alex9234

            "but the problem is 3rd partys which can come to any console and nintendo could easily get them and have gotten them, but again, they've made it difficult for most of them." - No, they won't support Nintendo platforms because Nintendo won't pay them to, and Nintendo has states time and time again that they are NOT going to play that game as it's basically ruined Sony and Microsoft's financial states. Hell, Nintendo could still go bankrupt chasing them and still end up with crap support. It's become much more widely known this generation that Sony and MS have been paying 3rd parties for support, but it's been going on ever since Sony entered the market with the PS1. But people were unwilling to accept it or believe it for a long time.

          • Mythosa

            I'm not so sure about that. It likely doesn't have that much to do with making it easy or hard for developers. It likely has more to do with throwing money at them. The PS3 was very hard for developers to make games for but they did, even when the user base was quite low. The Wii U was designed to be pretty easy to develop for, at least according to Nintendo and EA. Other developers have agreed with that statement as well.
            Developers use different API's that the systems support like OpenGL, or DirectX. When something is designed to use OpenGL it makes it much easier to transition to different systems. Same sort of way that Windows games are being ported to Linux for the use of Steam. The back ends of the systems are completely different but can be fully supported. The different architecture on the Wii U does add a bump in the road, which is why so many used 360 ports, but it's not something that can't be over come fairly easily as many indie developers have shown.

      • abCDinc88

        More 3rd party would be great, but the way people are suggesting Nintendo would go about it are more short term than long term, some of which would open up the floodgates to 3rd parties taking advantage of Nintendo.

        I could argue that 3rd parties are trying to make it difficult for Nintendo, demanding Nintendo be like the others as well as incorporating anti-consumer practices that Nintendo's against. Of course this isn't all 3rd parties, but it's enough to make Nintendo's user base even more resistant to 3rd parties games and the companies. There's a reason why even when mutliplats come out, they're lacking in either online multiplayer or DLC, because Nintendo doesn't charge for online and Nintendo's user base isn't conditioned to be receptive to DLC, plus with the way Nintendo's been handling DLC, it makes the BS way most 3rd parties handle it even more glaring. Look at the way 3rd parties have been treating Nintendo and their consumers for the past 2-3 years, ridiculing the user base, releasing crap ports, charging more for the Nintendo version, this is not Nintendo's doing. If this is the way major 3rd parties are going to behave, then Nintendo's much better off without them. Unfortunately it does take the likes of EA, Ubisoft, Activison and RockStar in order for the other 3rd parties to hop on board.

        I like the approach Nintendo's been doing when it comes to 3rd party support, which pretty much secures more and more exclusives for them, yes it sucks that they're missing out on some truly amazing multiplatform games but that's bound to happen when you differentiate yourself. There's also sales, even if they did everything right as a developer, there's no guarantee that 3rd party games will sell and at the end of the day, this is a business and there's no bigger factor in terms of support than sales.

        • Planetmobius

          We all know about the bad 3rd partys. Heck even having multiple consoles if I see or saw a 3rd party like ubisoft, EA, etc. I won't support their games period. But I don't like and disagree with a lot of nintendo fans that want to generalize all 3rd party for things only certain 3rd partys did. Some 3rd partys really don't bring their games because the hardwares isn't as powerful.

          As for dlc and microtransactions, I don't agree with that either. Some dlc is bad some good. Microtransactions are always bad in my opinion. 3rd party exclusives are great, I love that, but nintendo shouldn't have to resort to that, it makes them seem desperate to keep their consumers happy, which let's admit does seem that way, when they could have made that not a problem from the get go. The point is, we shouldn't condemned all 3rd party as bad for what some third party do, if the bad ones do bad things, we will speak with our wallets as we already have and are. But we also need to let other 3rd partys and nintendo know that we do want 3rd party. That we don't want to be limited, that we want options. Not just blame all 3rd party for what some did and then talk bad about them on the internet calling all of them trudged partys and saying we don't want their games and all that stuff. Cause trust me, if nintendo sees all the stuff that their consumers say, what makes you think the good 3rd partys don't see all that as well? Maybe some see that and feel unwelcome though they shouldn't be

          • abCDinc88

            I understand what you're saying and do recognize that there are 3rd parties who have legit reasons for not supporting Nintendo, but remember that part of Nintendo's ability to remain financially stable is them sticking to their philosophies, two of which being:
            - Putting out affordable hardware
            - Taking existing tech and innovating with it
            Simply coming out with a more powerful console that follows both of these is pretty much impossible nowadays. Back then it was fine but back then, the industry was going by the pace Nintendo set, once that pace got out of their hands, that's when things like the Wii started happening.

            How is collaborating and securing exclusives "desperate?" For me personally, nearly ALL of the best 3rd party games as well as the most creative and innovative games from 3rd parties have been exclusives, because it allows the developer to hone in on one console and make the most of it, plus they only have to worry about that console's demographic instead of trying to appeal to 3-5 different user bases. As for collaborating, it allows Nintendo and 3rd parties to take risks with their franchises while still feeling sure that the game will do well. Hyrule Warriors is Omega Force's best selling game in a while and as a fan of the Warriors series, Hyrule Warriors easily stands out as their best entry yet. If that's "desperate" then please, remain "desperate" and remember, this is a business built on reputation and branding, OBVIOUSLY they're going to want to keep their consumers happy, which is why Nintendo has been the standout developer in showcasing how to properly use DLC, not charging for online, and putting out games that feel complete, because they want to keep their consumers happy.

            I'm not blaming all 3rd parties, I'm just saying that due to lack of 3rd party support for over a decade, plus the recent actions of major 3rd party developers on top of the media only really hyping up 3rd party games on Playstation/XBox, the 3rd party scene is pretty much a treacherous one on Nintendo platforms, especially their home console ones.

            The thing is, people can say whatever they want online, how many times have you seen "I would LOVE to buy a new IP from Nintendo." but then when sales figures are released, anything new or different from Nintendo falters in sales while the games that these "gamers" complain they're sick of are Nintendo's best selling? Words mean nothing if the actions/figures completely contradict it and that's what Nintendo and 3rd parties are seeing.

      • nyobee

        Well… one thing I say. If you're not interested in a game, don't suggest people to buy it. If Nintendo fan don't want to support 3rd parties then that is their decision. I understand it sucks because they take away 3rd parties completely but people like what they like. If Nintendo can live off the small market they have then that is fine… It sucks you have to buy multiple consoles to play games you want but that is the life of a gamer. It won't change. I'm mad I have a apple computer that has stuff that my PC can't do and visa versa… but it called making a business with a specific market.

        • Planetmobius

          To be honest, I don't mind if I have to buy more than one console, especially if they have things that I want that you can't get on the other. The problem is that nintendo could have easily done enough to be having 3rd party on their console as well, but they didnt. If it was because of exclusives then I would understand. But the majority of 3rd party are on every console except for wii u, and that's kind of disheartening. It makes it worse that I only have a other console for 3rd partys only and I'm sure I'm not the only one in the Nintendo fanbase.

          anyways as I said no big deal, for me at least, but there are a lot of other nintendo fans that can't afford more than one console and have to miss out of some 3rd partys when they could have easily came on the wii u if it weren't for certain limitations.

          • Mythosa

            I'm not sure what they could have done actually. The Wii was the cheapest, (SD, shorter development cycles) and, with the exception of movement based controlls, was fairly easy develop for and had by far the largest group of consumers especially only a couple years in, but many developers still didn't develop for it. There is more going on behind the scenes than many would like to believe. The Wii U had lots of support to start, but when the older ports didn't sell like crazy they have declined. Hard to say if it will pick up again or not.

      • Game_God

        I have a PC to play my racing simulators & FPS along some other PC exclusives! The balance is perfect!
        3DS, Wii U, Wii backlog & PC give me plenty of quality gaming!!! The way I see it with more & more games coming to the PC: FF XV, XBox games, the need for a PS4 or X-1 is virtually none!!!

        • Planetmobius

          That's nice and all, but what about all the nintendo fans that can't afford more than one console and have to miss out on some 3rd partys that they would love to buy but cant? You just gonna ignore them? Do they not matter?

          • The_adj

            The state some of these third party games come out recently, consider yourself lucky if you can't afford that rubbish.

          • Game_God

            Life is paved with though choices, for me it's easy, if I had to chose 1 platform to game, Nintendo console all the way! Nintendo 1st party >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the other 3rd party games!

          • nyobee

            I'm sorry I'am dirt poor too. But Video games is not a need but a want. You can't keep saying "Well some people can't afford it". If they can't afford it than that is the way it is. I can't afford a Camaro or a 3D printer but you know what I do… save or don't get it. It doesn't suck for them. They just need to pick one or the other and… you can run all 3rd parties games on a laptop or desktop which most people should consider getting before any console. (PC can get used for school, work, and a lot of other things that are more necessary than video games). So this is just an excuse.

  • TerminatorJuice

    I completely agree with NI on this! This article is exactly how I feel about the current 3rd party situation in the video game industry!

  • Wolfgabe

    The ending paragraph really nailed it. I do believe there is one good reason Nintendo has resisted following the industry and going the Sony and MS way they see that the industry is dragging itself down a slow spiral of destruction if it keep heading the way its in. I think I recall Yamauchi said long ago that AAA games would be the death of the industry. The funny and scary thing is he is slowly being proven right.

  • Gamingfan

    I agree that Nintendo don't have to get the multiuplats but they need more exclusives spread out throughout the year. You just can't keep on having droughts. You're lucky if you get one game a month on their consoles and if you don't like that game then you have a drought. There's nothing I'm interested in til Splatoon unless Nintendo announces they're releasing Yoshi or Xenoblade before May. There's just not enough variety at the moment and that's something Nintendo needs to change.

    • The_adj

      It all comes down to personal opinion, the only game on my ps4 I'm looking forward to is arkham knight. There are at least 4 or 5 nintendo games I'm looking forward to that have been announced so far.

      • Gamingfan

        The difference is Sony and Microsoft give you a lot more games to choose from whereas Nintendo only gives you a couple if you're lucky a month.

        • The_adj

          That's the problem I have, people say to me that nintendo just put out the same old sequels year after year. Yet how many call of duties, assassin creeds, need for speeds and so on did we have this previous generation. As much as I enjoyed some of those games originally I have now got bored of them. I would much rather a slower release of good quality games like nintendo, rocksteady and naughty dog put out right now.

          • Gamingfan

            The thing is with the other consoles you have more choice. If you don't like that one game Nintendo releases a month you're out of luck.

          • The_adj

            You might have more choice, me on the other hand I feel like I have a better choice with nintendo right now, and I still have a backload of games to get through from last year. You might not agree with my point, doesn't make it any less valid than yours though.

          • Gamingfan

            If you like what Nintendo is offering now then that's fine.

          • Game_God

            Choice between re-heated crap or defrozen vomit, yeahhh!!! Plus you pay more for it, you pay for on-line & games are broken on release, x2 yeahhhh!!!!!!
            Clones of clones of uninovative yearly sequels FTW!!!!

          • Gamingfan

            ok, so what do I have new to play on Wii U til Splatoon? Mario Party 10? Mario vs Donkey Kong? Meh and meh. No games for 5 months for me. I didn't buy a Wii U just to look at it.

          • Game_God

            I'm not saying that it is good not to have a title per month, but given the choice I'd rather 1 real quality title every 2 or 3 months instead of 3 re-heated turds a month.

      • Gamingfan

        Put it this way, the current release schedule for PAL regions on Wii U is:

        January: Captain Toad.
        February: Nothing.
        March: Mario Party 10 and Mario vs Donkey Kong.
        April: Nothing.
        May: Splatoon.

        That's the first half of the year and it's not acceptable.

        • ShadowHero43

          February is Kirby man

          • Gamingfan

            Not in PAL regions.

        • LoneWanderer007

          As for indie titles?

    • OtakuDJK1NG

      Well yup. Splatoon will be first Wii U game this year to get.

    • MarioTGP

      Buy a PS4 then u mad bro?

      • Gamingfan

        I have a PS4. What you think I'm gonna accept 4-6 games a year? It would be horrible if I only owned a Wii U.

    • Ryuken13

      Weren't you going away? Though you said that? Guess your word isn't worth shit..

      Really.. Go to another forum. You burned your bridges here.

      • Gamingfan

        You mad Nintendrone? Can't accept an opinion? You may be ok with 2 games in half a year but REAL Nintendo fans aren't.

        • Ryuken13

          Shows how little you know about me I am fairly neutral when it comes to consoles.
          When it comes to trolling little bitches that said they were leaving the site after repeatedly causing problems? That is where I have an issue.

          Sad thing is Francis already probably banned you and you are working around that. Like painful genital herpes a true troll never leaves for good and an asshole like you will not change.

          So your opinion is shit in my eyes and almost every single person on this forum.. Fuck off we do not care about you or your opinion.

          • Gamingfan

            Dude Ive already exposed you for the fraud you are. Im happy to have a discussion with real gamers but you arent one of them. Ive had upvotes recently with my comments so obviously real gamers are fine with me sharing my opinion. Why would I listen to anything you have to say when you bring up genital hurpes in a gaming discussion? Perverted pos.