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Nintendo is Publishing Devil’s Third in North Amercia, Coming Q4 2015


Looks like Nintendo will be publishing Devil’s Third in North America. The title will be made available on the eShop and in stores in Q4 2015. Valhalla Game Studios will be releasing a PC version of the game that comes with only the multiplayer mode with a “free-to-start” business model. Nintendo will not be publishing the PC version. Via: Nintendo Everything 


Author: Francis@PE (19187 Posts)

  • Wanderlei

    Unseen 64 BTFO

  • Revolution5268

    Wow how did one rumor cause so much drama?

  • awang0718

    Tamaki’s Twitter bio reads:
    The guy who lied about Devil’s Third to make lots of money on clicks! Apparent Nintendo conspiracy theorist and hater.

    Unseen64 is getting rekt pretty hard…Looks like he’s gonna have to hide from social media for a while now…

    • Saleem Rasul Abdul Aziz

      ouch! That is pretty unfair of ppl to do that to him.

      • Travis Touchdown

        He actually really, really, deserves it. He’s been making a lot of outlandish statements lately, particularly about this game and the NX.

        • Saleem Rasul Abdul Aziz

          I dunno he probably wouldnt have put up those statements unless he was really really sure about it.

          It could also be possible that his so called source was taking the piss out of him.

          Lets face it Devils third was not going to come but fan outcry convinced NOA to change their minds.

          Not saying we shouldnt be critical of him but being mean and spiteful for someone who got things wrong isnt the right thing to do either.

          Lol just realized that I wrote this is a very weird way!

    • SoccerStar9001

      He is from Sony HQ as well.

  • Travis Touchdown

    Is the game seriously coming out in Q4? Why is everything coming out around then?

    Doesn’t Nintendo have… like, at least five Wii U games launching around that time? (Woolly World, Fatal Frame, Devil’s Third, Xenoblade, and Star Fox) Maybe even Mario Tennis.

    • https://www.facebook.com/X.V.Entertainment Diego Arias

      Because that’s when people buy the most according to Nintendo (holidays)

    • uPadWatcher

      I believe Nintendo is using that strategic plan for the Holiday season.

    • Saleem Rasul Abdul Aziz

      Simple not all of those games have mass appeal. I for example cant do anymore platformers this gen =P so Yoshi is not for me. Fatal Frame, Xenoblade and Starfox are all niche titles and coming out at the same time as heavy hitters on other consoles.

      I am definitely picking Xenoblade when it comes out. Star Fox will be something I pick up down the road but not an immediate purchase for me.

    • Wonder Dean

      They might be delaying here to make improvements based on feed back in two much smaller markets (Europe and Japan).

  • *NormalGamer*

    Excellent. So it looks like the game is finally set for release. ^_^

  • Travis Touchdown

    Hey, I would really appreciate it if someone could post some of Tamaki (Unseen64’s) damage controlling on twitter about this. I would do it myself, but he blocked me when I started asking him questions.

    For the record, this is official confirmation that absolutely everything he’s been spouting about the game is wrong. NOA is fully backing the title, and the issues with the game isn’t exactly the broken mess we were lead to believe.

    • 7thlevel JR

      the game is still ass tho

      • *NormalGamer*

        I rather ‘you’ let those who buy and play Devil’s Third decide for ‘themselves’ on whether the game is good or not; you don’t speak for them ‘or’ us.

      • Travis Touchdown

        Nope! We’ve gone over this. It’s perfectly fine.

        • awang0718

          “Perfectly fine” my ass…I get that you may really, really, really like this game, but saying that it is “perfectly fine” and treating that statement like truth shows that this is either the first 8th generation game you have ever played or that you are lying.

  • Saleem Rasul Abdul Aziz

    I hope this has cross platform multiplayer!

    • SpaceNinjaJoe

      That would be pretty cool.

  • Agt_Pendergast

    The internet often seems like the worst thing to happen to gaming to me.

  • ZainreFang

    It’s going to PC? So it’s not even an exclusive anymore. Oh well. As long as they get the framerate to an acceptable level on Wii U i’ll pick it up one day.

    • KnightWonder

      It’s coming to PC but it won’t be the same game.

      • CapableTie

        Maybe it was a loophole in the contract they had? That might explain why they’ve been quiet on it in the US.

    • http://youtube.com/paidenthusiast paidenthusiast

      Only a free to start multiplayer focused version is going to PC but the real version (campaign and multiplayer version) will only be on the Wii U

  • uPadWatcher

    It’s official… in support of Itagaki-san and the late, great Iwata-san, I’m gonna purchase Devil’s Third alongside Xenoblade Chronicles X and FAST Racing Neo.

    • CapableTie

      That’s pretty nice of you to do that for them, I kinda want to support wherever Kojima goes next (potentially my first kickstarter should he go there). Metal Gear Solid 5 looks amazing, I wanna support Kojima but not Konami, they shouldn’t be screwing him over like they are.
      I’m excited for the latter 2 as well, particularly the middle one. Whenever Winter Break comes, I’m gonna be busy lol.

  • KnightWonder

    You know I could go on about how Unseen64 isn’t the prophet everyone thought he was, but instead I’m just gonna do this.


    • Emufred

      I’ll do it for you.

      “Unseen64 ain’t no prophet, has now lost all credibility, bla bla bla *few more sentences*”


      That’ll be 5 bucks.

    • CapableTie

      I’d never even heard of this guy, and he just shows up out of nowhere with some dirt on Nintendo, right after they had a hugely negative couple of weeks? Yea he doesn’t seem real uh “legit” to me, before, and even more now 😛

      • KnightWonder

        The only reason people believed him were because of his unseen videos on cancelled games.

        • CapableTie

          Yea it would have made sense, but the timing made it look like bs to me.

  • Hardin Twentyfive


    • CapableTie

      Not like the people who believed it were treating it as factually true 😛

  • CapableTie

    Good to see Nintendo listening to us! Even if they were doing it all along, we made them let us know what’s going on. Cheers to your future Nintendo, it seems Iwata starting majorly pulling the company up before his passing. And once again RIP.

  • Avansies

    Now we have official confirmation that they’re publishing it, good. The PC version of Devils Third shouldn’t surprise anyone since there was a Steam listing about this very thing discovered months ago.

    • CapableTie

      Pretty surprising to me. I would have thought Nintendo wouldn’t let that pass like MS and Sony do, but then again it’s not as bad as some of those instances.

      • http://youtube.com/paidenthusiast paidenthusiast

        Valhalla Games themselves are publishing the PC version and it won’t be the same as the Wii U version because it’s free to start multiplayer focused

      • Avansies

        This was found months ago. https://steamdb.info/sub/60755/ various websites talked about this game coming to steam and well now we know what “devil’s third online” meant.

        • CapableTie

          It’s like I have to speak without any possible room for interpretation or I’m gonna get “corrected”. Come on.

          I’m surprised Nintendo is allowing any version of this game to go to the PC platform.

          • Avansies

            Not sure why you think I was trying to correct you, I wasn’t I was showing you what I was talking about.