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Halo Wars 2 Announced at Gamescom 2015, Launching in Fall 2016 on Xbox One & PC


Microsoft has announced that Halo Wars 2 is in development for the Xbox One and PC. The RTS version of Halo will be developed by Creative Assembly and 343 Industries for a fall 2016 release. Check out the debut trailer below.

Author: Francis@PE (19525 Posts)

  • Bernadet Gnuyen


  • awang0718

    Never played Halo: Wars before. May want to give Halo: Wars 2 a shot, if I ever get an Xbox One.

  • GreysonSeijuro

    I don’t like seeing exclusive games annualized, first Forza and now Halo? The next Halo game shouldn’t be until 2018. Sony and Nintendo are don’t annualize their franchises so when we do get them it’s more exciting and meaningful to me. I’m more excited for Quantum Break and Scalebound than this.

    • Abdullah Sulaiman

      What?? The last Halo wars came out in 2009, its just a spin off its like saying Mario Party counts as a mainline Mario game. Remember Halo 4 came out 2012. Yeah I am waiting for Scalebound but might try Halo Wars 1 as I enjoyed the demo

      • GreysonSeijuro

        That’s a good point but Nintendo does a better job overall with variety of exclusives, they have a lot more than just Mario. Microsoft I just wish would branch out more and make new IP or use lesser known franchises they have other than Halo, Gears, Forza, and Fable. That’s why I’m excited about their 2016 lineup with Scalebound, Quantum Break, and Crackdown. I really enjoyed Sunset Overdrive and Titanfall.
        Do you see where I’m coming from now? :)