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Square Enix open to Bringing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn to the Nintendo NX


Square Enix and Nintendo “seem” to have something going with the Nintendo NX, because another game could be heading to Nintendo next system. According to Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn’s producer Naoki Yoshida, he is open to bringing his game to the NX. Yoshida is waiting to know when the console will be released, and Nintendo’s policies when it comes to cross-platform play (which Nintendo is open to on Wii U/3DS). Just remember, the negotiations have not started yet, and Yoshida is also open to bringing the game to Xbox One. Via: Nintendo Everything, Source: Dualshockers 

Author: Francis@PE (19541 Posts)

  • Brandon

    gabe,shadao! what the fuck is with all the grudges from 3 YEARS AGO EH? some idiots can’t handle opinions! >=P

    • Hidden Flare

      Just accept they don’t agree with our opinion and stop commenting on this thread until another piece of news comes up that you want to comment on again

      • Brandon

        why? so they can rip me apart in the next article? no thanks!

        • Hidden Flare

          No, maybe your opinion will be the same. Also it looks like you will not be making any progress commenting on this thread. Trust me just calm down and see what happens next time.

          One more thing, if no one agrees with you then don’t care about it too much, not everyone has to agree and different opinions are natural.

  • 7thlevel JR

    what ever happen to “nintendo doesnt need third partys” or “square is dead” lmao

    • http://youtube.com/paidenthusiast paidenthusiast

      What ever happen to ” Sony has the best exclusives in the industry? ” or that ” Xbox Live sucks because you have to pay a monthly subscription service fee ” …..smh. Funny how the tables have turned huh? lmao

      • 7thlevel JR

        nice side step, btw why did you run from lulzy artist?

  • ActualGamer78

    Okay, Nintendo must be doing some seriously interesting things with this new console or whatever it is to be convincing SE of all people to be positive towards them.

  • Hardin Twentyfive

    Nintendo had to show them something. You don’t consider something you haven’t seen in, at least at the prototype stage.

  • NintendoPower

    I hope all this optimism isn’t crushed like kn every single e3 for wiiu.

    • awang0718

      E3 2013 was decent. E3 2014 was great. E3 2015 was E3 2008 Remastered.

      • NintendoPower

        Meh. I’m glad u liked em. I’m still waiting on the big franchises. Super Mario and 3ds games are not enough for me.

    • Jon Turner

      I too am keeping my expectations low, but on the other hand, it’s hard NOT to be a little excited because of SE taking interest in Nintendo’s newest system, or at least seeming to. Because let’s face it, Nintendo systems have been lacking major SquareEnix support for awhile (they were nonexistent during N64, and only slowly came back during the GC-3DS years. Regardless of how some people emay feel about their output, their franchises are hugely popular. For a Nintendo system to go without them will mean nothing but bad news.

      • NintendoPower

        Agreed, but this happened with wiiu. Plenty of third party support at the beginning was promised and they all left one by one. I just don’t trust them no more.

        • awang0718

          This is an entirely different situation from the Wii U situation. Think about it. This is what happened with the Wii U:

          Some third party companies have a few third party games in development for a future Nintendo platform that has been officially unveiled, with a few announced first party software titles, after the massive commercial success of the previous Nintendo platform.

          This is what is currently happening with the NX:

          A third party company has three different games in consideration for a future Nintendo platform that HASN’T been officially unveiled, with no announced first party software, despite the commercial failure of the previous Nintendo platform.

          • NintendoPower

            Ok. This is exactly what scares me. Developers not really knowing the specs of their platforms and offering their games Is exactly what happened with the Wii U. As soon as some devs started getting The Dev kits, That’s where the hell started with all the Wii U underpowered Comments from developers, And Square Enix Saying they have something for Nintendo When I just witnessed this generation, I’m sorry it doesn’t tickle my fancy in any way until I see it with my own eyes. If it does happen well that’s a great start for Nintendo’s future. I wont Put all my eggs in that basket though

          • awang0718

            I am as cautiously optimistic about this as you are. I was just pointing out that the Wii U’s situation 3 years ago and the current NX situation have some pretty big differences. SE could very well be making these NX related statements just for media attention. Or maybe they are being truthful? Who knows…

  • Hidden Flare

    Whooa, the comments just got over a hundred since last night!
    Do we have a troll? We have a troll don’t we?
    ‘looks over comment section’
    Looks like we sort of have a troll but a lot more people are talking against a troll instead of a one on one debate… Well what do we do now?

    • WSJ4L

      IT’S OVER 100!!!!

    • Brandon

      >Whooa, the comments just got over a hundred since last night!
      That’s what happens when you can’t handle an opinion…. -___- does no-one know what a opinion is anymore? >=(

  • Terrare

    I thought Square Enix was still being punished by “real” Nintendo fans??? Off the blacklist already?

  • getagrip




    MANY YEARS AGO nintendo had sqaure over at there place regarding RPGs on the n64 nintendo wanted big rpgs on the n64 square on the other hand wanted to go with sony FOR VIDEO PLAYBACK FMVs

    nintendos president asked why on earth would we want VIDEOS instead of gameplay and IN GAME graphics it was clear square LIKE THE WHOLE INDUSTRY WAS SELLING OUT

    there was a big argument nintendos president beat up the square guy and dragged him out of nintebdo HQ onto the street


    • Travis Touchdown

      That’s a good point, actually. Square said that maybe they’d bring a new game over to the platform.

  • Guymelef

    i prefer a wait and see on this… fact of the matter is, we haven’t seen what the NX is, or what it can do. second, i’m a bit wary of Square Enix, given that in the west they have little support for the Wii U (I’m referring to the Wii U only and not Nintendo in general — and in particular the west, given that in Japan, their support is better).

    • Wegotexclusives

      Maybe the reason they are excited is cuz nintendo made a deal with them for those ports?

  • Spice’71

    A few months ago Sqeenix gave a hardware demo, what if that was close to the NX specs.

  • Brandon

    my life sucks ass I’m out of here!!!!!

  • Wegotexclusives

    If Square Enix did not wanted to fix things with nintendo Square would not be suporting the 3ds the way that is doing it.

    • Brandon


      • Wegotexclusives

        Im not even talking to you leave me alone!

        • Brandon

          I wasn’t talking to you until YOU barged in my space!!!

  • Brandon

    Francis ban wegotexclusives PLEASE!

    • Wegotexclusives

      Final Fantasy main line will come to wiiu! Now rant that it won’t.

      • Brandon

        will you get out of my way!!!!!! flagged!

        • Wegotexclusives

          Stop stalking me and i will.

          • Brandon


          • Wegotexclusives

            Flagg all you want Half the commenters here already are against you for your bully way of commenting and insults.

          • Brandon

            like just jon turner. LOL you nobody!

          • Wegotexclusives

            Keep up the insults. Fracis won’t allow to let the site to turn into mynintendo news.

          • Brandon

            and yet YOU lit the fuse.

  • Wegotexclusives

    That Brondon guy is getting on my nerve with all his negativities about no main line Final Fantasy on NX. If the xbox 360 and xbone had and are getting one why would not the NX also 14 is part of the main line also hopefully 7remake will make it too!

    • Jon Turner

      The VII remake MIGHT be a little iffier since that started out on Sony, but having said that would it be great if it came to NX? Absolutely. Again, it depends on whether SE sees merit in doing so. We just need to wait and see.

      Also, I understand how you feel about the negativity here on this thread; just try to ignore it, you’ll be a lot happier that you did, trust me. (Also, try not to mention the name of the person who is starting these posts. That’s what he wants; don’t respond to him, he won’t respond to you.)

      • Brandon

        watch as the FFVII remake goes to xbox1 too. LOL

        • alex9234

          If the FFVII remake goes to the Xbone, then I will happily say:
          “Oh, Square Enix, you so cray cray! Enjoy bankruptcy!”

      • Wegotexclusives

        Well the 7 remake did say that it was exclusive but that the game will come to ps4 first so there’s hope!

        • Jon Turner

          Must be a timed exclusive; at least that’s what it seemed to me. There seems to be an implication that it might go to other platforms too, not necessarily just NX. PC, mobiles, and even XB1. Then again, I don’t know anything more than you do, so take my words with a grain of salt.

    • Brandon

      um hello I’M RIGHT HERE!!!!!

      • Wegotexclusives

        Companies don’t keep bad blood forever. Money is all they care and when they come to a deal that would benegit boths The bad blood will end. And right now there is none.

        • Brandon

          nintendo can offer square all the money nintendo has for final fantasy 7 remake, final fantasy 14:ARR and final fantasy 15 on NX and square will still say no and they will. they once had and still have bad blood.

          • Wegotexclusives


          • Brandon

            my opinion you asshat. flagged.

          • Wegotexclusives

            Keep up the good work!

  • Wegotexclusives

    And no mention of the actually new games from them. This is just one of those stupid sales text where they give us old games to measure if new ones will sell.

    • Jon Turner

      OR, maybe they might be planning to port those other games to NX but aren’t allowed to talk about it yet because of NDA. Just a possibility.

      • Wegotexclusives

        Hopefully! I don’t want another EA fiasco.

        • Jon Turner

          I don’t want it anymore than you do, and I’m not exactly hopeful, but to say that it’ll never happen is premature. None of us know WHAT NX is OR what is going to happen. But the fact that SE seems to be interested in it is promising either way.

        • http://youtube.com/paidenthusiast paidenthusiast

          Neither do I but Square Enix seems to be very enthusiastic to start developing on the NX, even more so than EA was for the Wii U. Whatever it is about the NX that Nintendo allegedly showed them seems to be very appealing to them, I just hope it’s a long term commitment from them and not another Ubisoft situation. I’m definitely keeping my fingers crossed but for Square Enix and Ready At Dawn to show interest so early even before the NX has an official name and not to be unveiled yet is a very promising sign

          • Wegotexclusives

            What is Ready at dawn nx game?

          • http://youtube.com/paidenthusiast paidenthusiast

            They didn’t announce what the name of the title nor what type of game it is but they did say that they have a project in the works for the PS4, Xbox One, PC and a gaming platform that we will soon know about in due time, implying that it’s the NX. Whatever it is I just hope it’s a great title

      • Travis Touchdown

        If that was the case, they wouldn’t use words like ‘considering’ and ‘we haven’t started negotiating yet.’

        In other words, NOTHING is in development for the NX. This IS another repeat of the EA situation. They have no intention of supporting the NX, Nintendo’s next handheld.

        • Wegotexclusives

          Well at least we will get a few console sale test titles.

        • awang0718

          How do you know NX is Nintendo’s next handheld??

  • Wegotexclusives

    So much stupid comments! I feel like i am on IGN! XD

    • Brandon

      ahem! >=( p.s. gamespot is worse.

      • Wegotexclusives


  • Travis Touchdown

    “Negotiations have not started yet.”

    In other words, they don’t really have any plans.

    They’re just setting people up for disappointment, again.

    • Wegotexclusives

      Who will you blame? And i think Square Enix gave up on Xbone.

      • Shadao

        Well, I would say whoever cause the false hype. Be it fans or the company feeding in the anticipations. Best way to approach this is to wait till further information is available.

  • GreysonTetsuya

    Hopefully if Microsoft really is moving away from the third party deals (which would be a win for gamers in my opinion) then the door will be opened for Nintendo to regain full third party support with the NX (assuming it’s a home console). If that does happen then the NX will almost certainly be my favorite console of all time (the best third and first party would mean it should dominate sales too). This game I’m not particularly interested in but as long it’s not gimped I will support it. Hopefully Nintendo is pushing for FF15 and KH3 ports, I’m planning on getting them on PS4 but I would rather get them on NX (assuming it’s a home console).

    • Brandon

      again KH3? sure FFXV? forget it. The NX could have all the 3rd party support in the world from square-enix. but you know what it will never have again? FINAL FANTASTY!!!!!!

      • GreysonTetsuya

        You are misusing the word never to set the limitation that for some reason it’s an absolute impossibility for Final Fantasy to come to NX. Look at the title of the article, if they are considering one Final Fantasy game I don’t about you but that makes me think that other ones are a possibility too. Even if it’s just a .1% chance that’s still a chance so it is possible.

        • Brandon

          .1? more like 0.0%.

  • http://www.youtube.com/user/PwerlvlAmy GameNChick

    Another thing to note is if you noticed when these guys talk about NX, they seem to not be worried about how powerful it is and more so just focusing on when its releasing. So it seems they know how powerful the system might be all ready considering its only the release date of the console they’re wondering about.

    • http://youtube.com/paidenthusiast paidenthusiast

      That’s a very good point. I remember watching Square Enix’s press conference and seeing how enthusiastic they were to announce the NX versions of DragonQuest X and DragonQuest XI, in fact I think their enthusiasm caused them to slip and confirm the NX versions without Nintendo’s permission. It was a rumor that stated that Nintendo showed the NX to 3rd parties behind closed doors at E3 and that the reception was positive. If a company like Square Enix can’t wait to develop for it the NX must be something really special and very developer-friendly. Hopefully more 3rd parties are showing the same admiration that Square Enix is showing

      • FalconLawnch

        I think the main reason for their enthusiasm is the rumored unified architecture and software library between Nintendo’s next consoles and handhelds. Traditional home consoles don’t seem to fit into the average Japanese lifestyle anymore, and I doubt that throwing everything and the kitchen sink at the PS4 like Square-Enix is currently doing will reverse that trend. Handhelds, however, are still going pretty strong.

        If there was a handheld powerful enough to run downscaled ports of 8th gen software, Square-Enix could have a more viable platform to sell their expensive PS4 projects in the Japanese market.

        • http://youtube.com/paidenthusiast paidenthusiast


          • Jon Turner

            So technically that would mean that NX is a handheld that doubles as a console, huh? That would be interesting to see.

          • Wegotexclusives

            Maybe the NX is a set of devices that can use the same software but with different graphical settings where you could take it on the go with lower resolution and frames(but stable) and a home device that let’s you play it full power.

          • awang0718

            He is suggesting that Nintendo’s next home console and handheld will be part of a “family” that will share the same or similar architecture, OS, and software.

          • http://youtube.com/paidenthusiast paidenthusiast

            Yeah there is speculation that could be one of the main features of the ” dedicated gaming platform ” but also there is a possibility that the NX could come as two platform versions (NX handheld and a NX home console) but sold separately and that scenario would make sense as well because remember the late Satoru Iwata said they wanted the handhelds and home consoles to act as brothers in a family of systems meaning that both platforms could share the same OS so that porting games from one to other will be very easy

      • Jon Turner

        I hope so too.

      • http://www.youtube.com/user/PwerlvlAmy GameNChick

        yeah its definitely an interesting development. next year is going to be very telling

  • Hidden Flare

    I don’t know, its a nice gesture really, but isn’t a little late for that game? It would probably be on there like 2 years from now, I rather something more popular and something that won’t have too long of a release difference compared to other consoles.

    • http://www.youtube.com/user/PwerlvlAmy GameNChick

      its an MMO and a two year gap isnt really a long time really. Just release teh game in a bundle with the expansion pack(base game + expansion) and thats it

  • Jon Turner

    Very promising to see. I hope this means KH3 and FFXV hit NX.

    • Brandon

      KH3 is likely but FF14:ARR, FF15 and other mainline Final Fantasy games? Forget it. Because from the hell from wiiudaily.com some guy said “asking for mainline final fantasy games is like asking for GTA, non existent”. sigh…. that was the dumbest comparison I have ever heard in my life! sucks too that mainline final fantasy won’t come back no matter how bad they get becuase FF15 NX>>>KH3 NX IMO.

      • Hidden Flare

        are you saying you think its not possible for a main line final fantasy game to make it on the NX?

        • Brandon

          main line final fantasy hasn’t happen on nintendo home consoles since final fantasy 6 on the snes and it will never ever happen again so no it’s not possible for NX either.

          • Hidden Flare

            Well considering that it says here they are considering a main line final fantasy game, lets just say anything is possible…

          • Jon Turner

            I for one would be thrilled if it came to pass. People can say whatever they want, but if SquareEnix is considering it, then perhaps saying “it’s never going to happen” may not be accurate after all.

          • Wegotexclusives

            Im hyped on Metal gear the phantom pain and if the nx can add something significant to title that the others can’t i will double dip if gets a nx release.

          • Justin Finnegan

            I’m cautiously optimistic as well. Unfortunately, a user on here called Brandon is attacking anyone that believes FF has a chance of coming to the NX. I wish he’d just calm down.

          • Wegotexclusives

            Is Brondom loike the guard at night at the museum.

          • Jon Turner

            Like I said, the less you pay attention to such comments or the person starting it, the better.

          • Brandon

            not funny.

          • Jon Turner

            Just ignore him.

          • Justin Finnegan

            He did apologize to me. I wonder if he’s starting to calm down and be reasonable.

          • Wegotexclusives

            He is stalking me now!

          • Jon Turner

            Advice: DON’T. RESPOND. TO. HIS. POSTS. DON’T BOTHER. Do so, and you’ll only aggravate him even more. Even if he is “stalking” you, I suggest you disengage at once. Delete whatever message he sends your way, don’t even reply.

            Trust me, you’ll be glad you did.

          • Wegotexclusives

            Will do!

          • Justin Finnegan

            Agreed. When he apologized to me, I thought there was some hope for him. But if he’s harassing someone else he clearly isn’t sorry. I will discontinue any communication with him.

          • Brandon

            please! wegotexclusives harrased me first!

          • Brandon

            you’re just as nice as I am which is not very nice.

          • Gabe Hoffman

            I recognize Brandon from the IGN boards. He is little more then a massively whiny attention whore who assumes everyone hates him since they don’t agree with him

          • Wegotexclusives

            Funny thing is that on IGN you don’t get banned for insulting other persons but you get banned for calling them out on their bs like how they hide every xenoblade artcles quick and they don’t put it together with the other wiiu ones on the wiiu section.

          • Brandon

            ha ha ha alphawolf very funny hahaha! >=P

          • Gabe Hoffman

            The only one who needs to grow up is you

          • Brandon

            No I don’t get lost I’m done here!

      • awang0718

        Square Enix will support the platform if necessary. The PS4, unlike the PS1/2/3/P, is not performing terribly well in Japan, and games like Final Fantasy and especially Dragon Quest need to sell well in Japan. Since Xbox is not an option (even though they say it is), 3DS is not powerful enough, and PS5 has yet to be announced (and also faces the risk of being too westernized, like the PS4), NX isSquare Enix will support the platform if necessary. The PS4, unlike the PS1/2/3/P, is not performing terribly well in Japan, and games like Final Fantasy and especially Dragon Quest need to sell well in Japan. Since Xbox

        • Brandon

          and yet japan is slowly buying into the hype of that overrated ps4. sigh -__-

          • awang0718

            Bundling Bloodborne with the PS4 really helped…

          • Brandon

            and yet splatoon while really popular in japan the game isn’t moving shit over there. I swear nintendo home consoles are cursed.

          • awang0718

            Splatoon pushed (and continues to push) WAY more Wii U hardware than Mario Kart 8 did last year. It’s not that Nintendo home consoles are cursed; it’s the Wii U that is cursed.

            Regardless, both PS4 and Wii U are selling pretty badly in Japan. Consoles have fallen so much since the glory days of the PS2 era.

          • FalconLawnch

            It’s not overrated. The PS4 has more games that are relevant to Japan than the Wii U, period.

          • Brandon

            It’s just a opinion asshole. plus wii u gets outsold by that shit dreamcast.:P

      • Justin Finnegan

        If Square Enix is considering this game for NX, I’d say there’s a chance for FF to come back to Nintendo consoles. I’m still being cautious about it to avoid disappointment. But the reason FF was dead on the N64 was because Nintendo used cartridges and Sony used discs and SE preferred discs. SE did not like the small storage space of Gamecube discs, and the system sold poorly as well. The Wii had great sales, but couldn’t handle PS3 and 360 ports. I think Francis mentioned that various 3rd parties had early builds of their multiplats for the Wii, but had to scrap them because they weren’t the sort of thing people would want to play. They would have had to rebuild them from the ground up, not using the same engine or any of the assets from the PS3 and 360 versions in order for them to make a game appropriate for the Wii. I do like the Wii U, but it hasn’t sold well enough to get third party support and 3rd parties have said it’s too hard to port games to it on top of it. Based on the PR statements I’ve been hearing from SE, it sounds to me that they like the NX so it’s not as unlikely as you suggest for the NX to get support from SE. It’s good to be cautious to avoid disappointment, but stop saying there’s no chance while SE is saying the exact opposite.

        • Brandon

          cartridges,small discs,low power blah blah blah I KNOW ALL THAT GENIUS!!!!! final fantasy was dead on gcn and wii/u too. not just N64 PAL! N64 was a good console oh and N64>>>>>>>wii no matter the sales! the success of the wii just convince nintendo to make low powered consoles and changed their audience to ALL CASUAL in the process screw this! N64 at least sold better than the GCN and Wii U!

          • Justin Finnegan

            You are saying that the NX is as powerful as the Wii. If Square Enix is talking positively about the NX, Nintendo must have a different approach this time around. Why can’t you even consider the possibility? Square Enix does not seem concerned about the power of the console. How about you actually read this article and tell me exactly where Square Enix has any doubts about the NX being able to handle this game. I don’t know about other 3rd parties, but SE seems to like the NX so far from their statements. Unless you’re saying that Nintendo is going to change the power and design of the NX at the last minute.

          • Brandon

            >How about you actually read this article and tell me exactly where Square Enix has any doubts about the NX being able to handle this game.

            well the game is on ps3 last I checked so.

          • Justin Finnegan

            DQ XI is also planned for the NX. The console version is not going to the PS3 or any last gen consoles. You must be suggesting that they’re going to port the 3DS version to the NX. That would be so redundant, give me a good reason why they’d do that.

          • Brandon

            >You must be suggesting that they’re going to port the 3DS version to the NX.
            HA where did I say that I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT!!!!

          • Justin Finnegan

            You said the only reason for this game for NX is PS3 version. There is no PS3 version of DQ XI, so by your logic how is DQ XI even possible for NX?

          • Brandon

            you said THIS article and THIS game is on ps3!

          • Justin Finnegan

            I never said this article was on ps3. I said that in this article SE never expressed any doubts about the NX ability to handle this game. Whatever, I’m done talking to you, you’re clearly a troll. You feel the need to respond to everybody and gloat about how FF will never be on NX or any Nintendo system. I don’t know if it will, all I know is that SE appears to like the NX from their statements. That’s all I’m going to say to you.

          • Brandon

            I”M NOT A TROOL!!!!! IT WAS JUST MY 2 CENTS!!!! you troll have you ever heard of a fucking “opinion”!?

          • Justin Finnegan

            Just your 2 cents? Look at your response to GreysonTetsuya. You didn’t calmly state your belief that FF isn’t coming to NX, you sound like you’re gloating about it. “Guess what Nintendo will never have again? Final Fantasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

          • Brandon

            I wasn’t “gloating” I’d like mainline final fantasy back on NX but it just won’t happen because that’s square’s problem not mine.

          • Justin Finnegan

            Whatever. I would personally construct my posts differently if I wanted to convey my belief that FF wasn’t coming to NX without gloating. Even if you didn’t intend it as such, it came across that way to me. Instead I would say “it’s just PR talk. They aren’t really going to follow through on it. They want you to think that they tried to get FF on NX but the console couldn’t handle it.” A comment like that sounds more like expressing a friendly opinion, even if it differs from the other persons opinion.

          • Brandon

            Look I’m sorry if I came across that to you but ever since I heard that comment saying “asking for main line final fantasy is like asking for gta non existent” on wii u daily…… It made me realise that wiiudaily.com sucks like I do.

          • Justin Finnegan

            Just try to calm down ok? People say crap about Nintendo all the time, but they don’t know the future any more than I do. I can’t say if FF will come to NX, it might or might not. If the NX is this rumored fusion system, SE may very well be keen on supporting it. Console sales in Japan aren’t exactly where developers and publishers want them to be. Handhelds and mobile gaming rule Japan. If Nintendo has developed a system where developers can publish a game for a console but it also goes out to handhelds users as well, that has the potential to be huge. Of course, I don’t actually know if the NX really is this fusion concept, but it could explain why SE seems enthusiastic about it. They know how Japan loves their portable gaming. Anyway, let’s just wait to see what the future will bring. Nintendo may have a better plan with the NX than they had with the Wii U.

          • Wegotexclusives

            Low power? From bavk then? Only weak console from nintendo was the original wii.

          • Brandon

            you missed the point idiot I said the original wii convinced aka STARTED to make low power systems. Get out NOW!

          • Wegotexclusives

            In what part of your comment does it say that?

          • Shadao

            It’s this part under all that incoherent rant:

            “the success of the wii just convince nintendo to make low powered consoles and changed their audience to ALL CASUAL in the process screw this!”

            Anyways, I say ignore him and report to Francis if you haven’t already. He made a big commotion in Nintendo Everything a long time ago and after he rejected my advice to calm down, I decided to report him right there and now.

          • Brandon

            oh you were the one on that damn atlus (fuck sega) article. -___- What’s wrong punk? can’t handle a opinion AND you hold a grudge?

          • Shadao

            The only person who holds a grudge is you, sir. Even after I warned you that your behavior would attract negative attention from everyone, you still do keep on doing like an ignorant child. As I’ve stated before, the Internet is not good for you.

          • Brandon

            >child how fucking cute. you have a nice life “sir”!

      • alex9234

        “square hated nintendo home consoles since N64″ - No, Square’s hatred of Nintendo began long before the N64. Nintendo was having issues with Square for quite a while and things were going to turn out this way no matter what.

        • Brandon

          >No, Square’s hatred of Nintendo began long before the N64.

          so i noticed.

          • Wegotexclusives

            Who said square hates nintendo? Could be that nintendo hated square for the stealing Mario rpg assets?

          • alex9234

            Nintendo was having issues with Square for years. When I learned what was going on between the two I was surprised that they stuck together for so lone. Square got mad at Nintendo back on the NES in Japan when Nintendo wouldn’t let Square use a larger cart that Enix was using for a Dragon Quest game, even though Dragon Quest was a much bigger seller in Japan at the time (The Japanese government actually had to pass a law about what day of the week a Dragon Quest game could be released on). Then there was the issue with Secret of Mana and the SNES-CD. Square started development of SoM for the SNES-CD before the platform was 100% confirmed, and when the SNES-CD was cancelled, they got mad when they had to fit it onto a cart.

          • Jon Turner

            It doesn’t matter WHAT occurred back then. That was way back in 1996-1999 when Square avoided Nintendo like the plague. It wasn’t until GameCube and GBA came out that they returned, in part because they felt ashamed and wanted to make amends. Yamauchi said no because he was still pretty mad at them. Iwata, however, said yes because he wasn’t as tough on thirds as Yamauchi was.

            A lot of us believed Nintendo would never get another FF on their consoles/handhelds, period. But when DS took off, it not only received a port of FFIII, but one of FFIV as well. Call it weak defense, but still, it was a promising sign.

            The fact that SE seems to be taking interest is hopeful. They sound more interested in NX than they ever were with WiiU, although I wouldn’t really go that far. They DID talk at one point about bringing FF to WiiU when it was initially revealed according to an article that I found from way back when, but that was before WiiU crashed and burned. It seems like the failure of WiiU had something to do with it.

            If NX is hitting all the cylinders for SE for them to be this interested in it, it could mean nothing but a positive sign.